BA in Theatre and Film Practice
Course Overview
This course is designed for students who know they want to work in areas of Theatre and Film but have not yet decided on which sector to specialise in. The course offers potential performing arts students the ability to develop all the skills necessary not only in voice, acting and movement, but also in film studies, film production and postproduction resulting in a well-rounded and diversly skilled graduate.
This course will also give students an overview of theatre production elements including set design and construction, sound and lighting design, costume design and stage management skills. Practical classes are led by lecturers who have professional industry experience.
What makes this course different
Specialise Later
This course is ideally suitable for students who know they want to work in areas of Theatre & Film but have not yet decided on which area to specialise.
Collaborate to Create
Students on the programme can collaborate to present innovative productions that are staged in our on-campus theatre or in partnership with local theatres and arts centres.
Understanding the Industry
The theatre and film practice industry is a vibrant and dynamic field that brings together the worlds of storytelling, performance, and visual arts. It encompasses a diverse range of creative professionals, including actors, directors, playwrights, cinematographers, producers, and designers, who collaborate to bring stories to life on stage and screen.
Career Opportunities
This course produces theatre and film professionals with the necessary knowledge, skills to work as performers or producers within the diverse areas of cultural production both in live, recorded and digital theatrical and film and media formats in Ireland and abroad. Graduates will be equipped with the core competencies to engage in any of the following careers, amongst others:
- Film and theatre technicians
- Set & costume design
- Performance or creative artists
- Independent Actor
- Scriptwriting & Playwriting
- Arts administration
- Event management & promotion
Course Delivery and Modules
This course is delivered mainly via practical classes with some theatre and film theory being taught through lectures and tutorials.
Year 1
- Creative Collaborative Development
- Theatre Studies
- Film Studies
- Introduction to Audio Visual production for stage
- Realistic Theatre and Practice
- Writing for Film & TV
- Introduction to Audio Visual Post-Production for stage
- Introduction to Theatre Practice
In semester 2, students have the opportunity to specialise in theatre practice or technical theatre, subject to resources.
- Theatre Practice: Intermediate Acting, Principles of Devising
- Technical Theatre: Sound for Theatre, Stage Management Systems
Year 2
- Avant-Garde Theatre of the 20th Century
- Writing for Film & TV
- Multiplatform & Mobile Audio Visual Tools & Techniques
- Directing for Film & Television
- Pre-Twentieth Century Theatre
Theatre Practice:
- Advanced Acting
- Acting for Camera
- Historic Acting Styles
- Applied Devising
Technical Theatre:
- Practical Design for Stage
- Introduction to Lighting Design
- Technical Theatre
- Live Sound
Year 3
- Intermediate Performance
- Contemporary Theatre and Practice
- Women in Theatre
- Radio and Podcast Production Concepts
- Performance Analysis and Criticism
- Advanced Performance
- Professional Practice
- Theatre Practice: Contemporary Musical Theatre
- Technical Theatre: AV for Theatre Performance
- Film Theory
- Holocaust Film and Popular Culture
Education Progression
On completion of this course, students who obtain a GPA of 50 or above are eligible to be considered for entry to the BA (Hons) in Drama and Performance.
Fees and Funding
Please find information on fees and funding here:
Entry Requirements
In addition to the standard entry requirements below, English Grade 05 or H6. Applicants from NI/UK require a GCSE English Grade C or AS Level Grade D or A Level Grade E. There is no Mathematics entry requirement for this course.
Recent CAO Points
How To Apply
Apply on CAO
All standard entry first-year applicants must apply for entry through the CAO. See Important application dates for CAO and information for specific applicant types below:
Advanced Entry & Transfer Applications
Advanced Entry is for applicants who have previous educational achievements and/or work experience and want to be considered for direct entry into year 2, 3, or 4 of a course. This includes students looking to transfer to DkIT from another Higher Education provider.
International Application (non-EU)
International Applicants (not from or living in the EU) can apply through an agent or directly to DkIT to study this course.
Ask us a Question
If you have a question about the BA in Theatre and Film Practice please ask it below and we will get back to you.
Course News
See all newsDisclaimer: All module titles are subject to change and for indicative purposes only. All courses are delivered subject to demand and timetables are subject to change. Elective Module options will only run subject to student numbers. The relevant Department will determine the viability of each elective module option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose that option. Students will be offered alternative elective modules on their programme should their preferred elective option not be proceeding. Award Options for Common Entry Programmes: The relevant Department will determine the viability of each award option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose either option. If the numbers for one of the Award options exceed available places, students for this option will be selected based on Academic Merit (highest grades).