If you have any questions please call in to the library, or get in touch with us in any of the following ways:
Email: library@dkit.ie
Phone: +353 (0)429370310
FAQs: View frequently asked questions
Library Hub: Classes, digital badges, and more
The Slievefoye Active Learning Space is an active learning digital collaboration lab for teaching staff.
Due to the limited number of PCs and group study rooms, students should book PCs and group study rooms in advance.
We will make every effort to ensure that we are open as stated but will tweet any changes we might have to make.
Scroll down to check opening hours, book a PC or group study room, borrow and see how the library can support your study.
Find out how to borrow and return items and how to access online documents.
The Library subscribes to e-books and online databases to support your study both on and off campus. Check MultiSearch for new e-book titles. Click below to view the full Database List.
DkIT uses a specific style of Harvard referencing, which is detailed in DkIT's Guide to Harvard Referencing.
Find more information about De Chastelain Library at DkIT.
Download the latest reports and publications for De Chastelain Library at DkIT.
Louth LGFA and DkIT launch innovative programme focused on improving health and wellbeing of female athletes
DkIT signs Articulation Agreement with Monaghan Institute to enhance progression routes for Architectural Technology students
DkIT collaborates with GoReport to deliver professional surveying software
Dundalk Institute of Technology-led project awarded almost €10 million in PEACEPLUS funding to transform education and industry