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Secondary School Engineering Activities

We can help secondary school students with their difficult choices, whether it’s what subjects to choose for the leaving certificate cycle or what higher-level courses and apprenticeships to apply for. We have a number of on-site events and are always happy to do school visits to talk about career opportunities in Engineering.

1. Careers in Engineering – Level 8 Programmes at DkIT

Subject Areas: Engineering programmes at DkIT and pursuant careers | Mechanical Engineering/Civil Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Duration Location Workshop/Talk Organiser Who this is for?
30 mins. Delivered in Schools

Kimmitt Sayers

Senior Cycle – 5th Year & 6th Year

This session is delivered by two engineering lecturers with Mechanical and Civil Engineering backgrounds.

The session aims to provide an interactive understanding of what a career in engineering enables students to do when they graduate. It also covers the programme requirements and helps students to understand the differences between the different disciplines.

While the focus is on Level 8 engineering programmes, the session also deals with Level 7 programmes and progression options and the options open in Built Environment and Apprenticeship routes.

In addition to this talk, the staff involved are happy to deliver repeat sessions or offer follow-up visits to the campus for interested groups.

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2. Engineer’s Ireland North East Women in Engineering Event

Subject Areas: Careers in Engineering

Duration Location Workshop/Talk Organiser Who this is for?
2 Hours On DkIT campus or in schools

Gareth Kelly

Secondary School TY to 6th Year 

As part of our Engineer’s Week programme in DkIT, we have run the extremely popular 'Women in Engineering' event.

This event brings professional female engineers and female students together to discuss what are the barriers to becoming a women in engineering, and how it can be a hugely rewarding career.

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3. K’nex Building Challenge

Subject Areas: Maths, Construction, Science, Energy and Forces, Materials

Duration Location Workshop/Talk Organiser Who this is for?
1 to 2 Hours In schools

Gareth Kelly

Secondary School 1st to TY

Book a visit from an engineer to give a talk on the work that engineers do, followed by a K’nex building challenge where students will be asked to build bridges, towers, working vehicles, robotic arms or a host of different possibilities.

The engineers help the students come up with the best design possible and then test their work. This is a workshop that stretches the student's critical thinking, creativity, group work and problem-solving.

Suitable for a wide range of class groups as older class groups are asked to build more complex structures.

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4. DkIT “Heart” STEM

Subject Areas: Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths

Duration When Workshop/Talk Organiser Who this is for?
1.5 hours in school, followed by 1 day in DkIT for selected students March

Orlagh Devine

TY Students

We KNOW women have the talent and aptitude to study STEM, however, only one-in-four people working in STEM are women! DkIT wants to help change this. We will do this by addressing the barriers to STEM that more than 2800 young female students identified during an IWISH annual Survey in 2022 (Surveys – iWish).   

Girls said they want: Information about STEM careers, Access to female role models and Information on STEM courses.

DkIT heard you and in 2022 we joined forces with IWISH (iWish) to promote STEM to girls in the North East region. Our new roadshow/workshop combo offers the following to your school: 

  • A visit by our TEAM to your school where girls will hear from Scientists, Engineers and Technologists about careers for women in STEM.
  • Participating schools will be invited to nominate a maximum of 20 students to attend a STEM taster day on campus in DkIT in March each year. Students will get the opportunity to participate in 5 fun and interactive STEM activities across the Schools of Science/Health/Engineering/ Computing and Maths.  
  • Schools may avail of a discounted rate to attend the legendary annual I WISH showcase event which takes place in the RDS in February each year.

Register your school for the RDS event — places are limited.

This is a fun-filled action packed programme providing your students with a truly immersive third-level experience, informing students for their future 3rd level programme choices. Book the DkIT event using the form below. 

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5. TY Entrepreneurship

Subject Areas: Business, Science, Engineering

Duration When Workshop/Talk Organiser Who this is for?
1 Week March

Orlagh Devine

TY Students

Each Year TY Students can participate in a week-long workshop as part of the Institute’s Entrepreneurial School Week Programme. The workshop is designed to develop students entrepreneurial, creativity and innovation skills. The programme is delivered by a multi-disciplined team comprised of members from the School of Engineering, the School of Health & Science, the School of Business & Humanities, as well as the Regional Development Centre.

Working in a team, students will conceptualise an innovative product, its manufacture and finally market it. On completion of the task, competing teams from various schools then battle it out in a Dragons Den style competition adjudicated by industry leads. The programme is sponsored by the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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Other Secondary School Activities

STEPS Engineering Week at DkIT

STEPS Engineering Week at DkIT

Duration Location Workshop/Talk Organiser Who this is for?
1 Week

Multiple Locations

Gareth Kelly

All secondary school classes

STEPS Engineering Week at DkIT is a week-long engineering festival to engage people of all ages to experience the impact of engineering.

DkIT host a range of events catering for different learners. There are school visits, women in engineering workshops, North East primary schools STEM quiz and the Engineers Ireland roadshow.

A schedule of events is posted in January with sign-up details.

Visit Engineers Ireland Website

TY Engineering Programme (4 days)

Duration Location Workshop/Talk Organiser Who this is for?
4 Days

Delivered on DkIT Campus in May each year.

Kimmitt Sayers

Transition Year Students

Students will receive an initial induction and icebreaker session for a half day. Over the following three days, the programme will provide the student with exposure to mechanical, civil and electronics engineering activities in a group environment. Activities will include 3D printing, mechanical build and programming of a robot arm kit and a bridge building/surveying exercise.

The importance of teamwork, design and sustainability to each discipline will also feature. The programme also features an industrial visit.

Places are limited to 25 persons approx. All interested students should apply individually through the Engineers Ireland Portal — STEPS Engineering Your Future.

Applications open in mid-November of the previous calendar year and close before Christmas. Places are notified to successful applicants before February each year.

To Book Please Visit the Engineers Ireland Portal

Expression of Interest Form

Complete the form below to express your interest in our talks or workshops. Upon receipt of the form, the workshop organiser will contact you. Workshops are subject to availability, we will make every effort to facilitate your request.

We regret that we may be unable to accommodate schools outreach outside our region (Louth, Meath, Cavan, Monaghan, North Dublin, Down, Armagh) and advise schools to contact their local higher education providers.

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