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BA in Musical Theatre

Develop your passion where music and emotion take centre stage.

CAO Code


Start Date

September 2025


3 Years

Work Placement


NFQ Level


Discipline Area

Music, Drama & Performance

Course Type


Study Mode



On Campus

Course Overview

This course provides essential and comprehensive training in the three main principles of musical theatre, namely acting, singing and dancing, which are supported by academic modules which explore further understanding of the industry. Students also participate in all important performance practice and projects. The modules have been designed to have a clear progression through each of the three years culminating in a musical theatre production in year three.

Particular attention is given to training students for the professional world. This includes preparation for auditions, preparation for meeting with directors and producers and creating audition portfolios.

What makes this course different

Progress to Level 8

Upon completion of this course, students may apply to progress to Year 4 of BA (Hons) Drama and Performance.

Personal and Technical Development

This course is delivered using a mix of theoretical and practical methods, which develops the students personal skills, teamwork skills and technical skills, including singing, acting and movement.

Understanding the Industry

The musical theatre industry is a vibrant world where music, dance, and storytelling collide to create unforgettable theatrical experiences. It combines the beauty of live performance with the power of music, transporting audiences to magical realms and evoking a wide range of emotions.

Career Opportunities

Future Careers:

  • Performing, producing, directing, and marketing musical theatre
  • Teaching in music/theatre/dance schools
  • Teaching community musical groups
  • Broadcasting and journalism
  • Community arts employment
  • Arts administration

Course Delivery and Modules

  • Year 1

    • Creative Collaborative Development
    • Introduction to Musical Theatre Studies and Research Skills
    • Introduction to Theatre Practice
    • Freeing the Voice
    • Introduction to Movement
    • Music Theory and Aural Skills for Musical Theatre
    • Variety and Vaudeville
    • Intermediate Acting for Musical Theatre
    • Vocal Skills
    • Intermediate Movement
  • Year 2

    • History of Musical Theatre: American Musicals
    • Advanced Acting for Musical Theatre
    • Introduction to Dance
    • Intermediate Vocal class
    • Improvisation
    • History of Musical Theatre: European Musicals
    • Historic Acting Styles for Musical Theatre
    • Intermediate Dance
    • Advanced Vocal class
    • Acting the song
  • Year 3

    • Contemporary Musical Theatre
    • Contemporary Theatre and Practice
    • Performance Project
    • Advanced Dance and Movement
    • Musical Theatre Performance
    • Performance Analysis and Criticism
    • Professional Practice

Education Progression

Upon successful completion of Year 3 students can apply to progress to Year 4 of BA (Hons) Drama and Performance subject to 50% average GPA in Year 3.

Add On 1 Year On Campus

BA (Hons) in Drama and Performance

View Course Details

Fees and Funding

Please find information on fees and funding here:

Entry Requirements

In addition to the standard entry requirements below, with the exception of no maths requirement, candidates must also pass an audition (see details below)

Audition + Entry Process

Entry to all years of BA Musical Theatre is via a two-stage process:
  1. Video audition
  2. Confirmation of results - Leaving Cert or equivalent in the case of applicants to year 1, and evidence of prior certified learning in the case of (advanced entry) applicants to all other years. We also welcome applications from Mature Applicants.

Guidelines for Video Audition

The BA Musical Theatre is a practical degree, where you will be training in vocal studies, dance and acting. It is important that you are passionate about performance. In order for us to make sure that this degree is right for you, we look forward to seeing and hearing your performing style. We attract a large number of international candidates and prospective students drawn from all parts of Ireland and for this reason the 2025 audition process will be conducted via video submission.

For applicants wishing to begin their studies in September 2025, all prospective students are required to submit a video with two important components:

  1. The first requirement is that you begin the video with a short spoken introduction outlining your performance experiences to date, and your reasons for wishing to study musical theatre at third level. You may also wish to provide details of training in dance, singing and acting to date (examinations, private lessons etc.)
  2. The second part is two short performances of either two contrasting musical theatre songs or one musical theatre song and one dramatic monologue (from any period) or one musical theatre song and one dance (tap, ballet, jazz or contemporary styles are welcome).  Choose repertoire and material that is suited to your vocal range and performance skills. 

The total duration of the video should be no longer than eight minutes.

Once you have applied for the BA Musical Theatre through CAO, we will contact you to provide details on how to submit your audition.  

The deadline for submissions is Monday 28th April. We look forward to seeing and hearing your auditions in April 2025!

Please keep an eye on our website for a forthcoming video guide: “How to Self-Tape for Auditions”.

Applicants/prospective applicants are very welcome to visit the Department of Creative Arts, Media and Music at any stage during the year. We have a number of open days scheduled in 2024/25, but if these dates do not suit please contact the Programme Director (, who will be happy to arrange a tour of our facilities. 

More Information

How To Apply

Apply on CAO

All standard entry first-year applicants must apply for entry through the CAO. See Important application dates for CAO and information for specific applicant types below:

CAO Code: DK771
Apply on CAO

Advanced Entry & Transfer Applications

Advanced Entry is for applicants who have previous educational achievements and/or work experience and want to be considered for direct entry into year  2, 3, or 4 of a course. This includes students looking to transfer to DkIT from another Higher Education provider.

Closing Date: 6th June
Apply Now

International Application (non-EU)

International Applicants (not from or living in the EU) can apply through an agent or directly to DkIT to study this course.

Ask us a Question

If you have a question about the BA in Musical Theatre please ask it below and we will get back to you.

Dr Georgina Hughes

Programme Director


Disclaimer: All module titles are subject to change and for indicative purposes only. All courses are delivered subject to demand and timetables are subject to change. Elective Module options will only run subject to student numbers. The relevant Department will determine the viability of each elective module option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose that option. Students will be offered alternative elective modules on their programme should their preferred elective option not be proceeding. Award Options for Common Entry Programmes: The relevant Department will determine the viability of each award option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose either option. If the numbers for one of the Award options exceed available places, students for this option will be selected based on Academic Merit (highest grades).