Follow the Golden Rule: place your options in order of genuine preference
CAO communications officer, Eileen Keleghan, asks applicants not to make changes to an application based on assumptions about their Leaving Certificate examination performance.
“Every year we experience a surge in last minute amendments to CAO applications. This is due to a number of factors, for example more time spent researching courses and the introduction of new areas of interest.
In 2015, fifty-six per cent of applicants availed of the Change of Mind facility at least once. We would like to advise applicants to avoid making changes to their order of preference or course choices based on how they feel they have performed in their examinations.”
“If applicants simply follow the golden rule of placing all of their courses in their genuine order of preference they will be offered the course highest up on their preference list that they are deemed eligible for, if any” she added."
Other things to consider when using the CAO change of mind facility:
It is free to submit a CAO Change of Mind form. If you had originally submitted a paper CAO option form please log into your CAO if you wish to access the CAO change of mind facility. Alternatively, paper change of mind forms are available by request. Change of mind forms may not be submitted by fax.
Take your time when deciding on what to change. Do not pick your choices based on how you may have performed in exams and think carefully about your order of preference.
Research your options. Visit the campus or contact the college directly. Don't be afraid to pick up the phone and get in touch with the admissions office to get more information on the college or the course and faculty that you're interested in. Here at DkIT we are only too happy to help.
It can also help to talk through your choices with a trusted friend, family member, guidance counsellor or teacher. Try not to be swayed by the choices of your friends. This is your time to grow and develop in a course that suits you.
Take care when submitting your choices. If you submit a Change of Mind, it cancels all the previous course choices in any category in which changes are made. However, choices in the two categories (Level 8 and Level 7/6) are completely separate from each other for this purpose. e.g. a change of Level 8 course choices will not affect Level 7/6 choices.
Please remember, you cannot submit restricted courses via the Change of Mind facility.
If you need any more help you can watch the CAO change of mind video guide.