At DkIT we promise to put Your Future First! This means placing the development of you, our students at the centre of everything we do. Below you can find out some of things that you can expect from life at DkIT.
Thinking about applying to study at DkIT? Here's some top reasons to #ThinkDkIT
At DkIT we promise to put Your Future First! This means placing the development of you, our students at the centre of everything we do. Below you can find out some of things that you can expect from life at DkIT.
No one wants to be stuck at the back of a 200 seat lecture theatre. To make sure you get enough contact hours with tutors we keep our class sizes small to ensure you never feel lost and can easily ask for support.
More than half of all our courses (55%) have work placement opportunities. Allowing you to develop practical skills and get industry experience which will look great on your CV.
We have a dedicated Careers & Employability Centre which provides friendly and impartial advice to help you plan your career, develop your employability skills and get the right job for you.
No one knows industry better than the experts, that’s why we employ academics with strong industry knowledge and experience. We regularly have guest speakers from industry and our courses are developed in direct consultation with employers.
We work with professional bodies and associations to ensure that our courses are professionally accredited. *Please note that accreditation is limited to specific degree courses.
DkIT is one of the leading Institutes of Technology in Ireland in terms of research performance. This strong focus on research and discovery enhances and informs our teaching.
Excellent teaching is fundamental to everything we do and we even have won awards to prove it. In 2016 three DkIT Lecturers won National Teaching Awards in recognition of going above and beyond for their students.
At DkIT, you will never be just another face in the crowd. This is a friendly place where staff and students know each other by name. Our lecturers pride themselves on being approachable.
All of our courses have been designed to allow our students to explore their entrepreneurial side and develop enterprising attributes such as problem-solving, communication, teamwork, networking and risk-taking.
There is more to higher education than simply getting a degree. We encourage our students to develop strong extracurricular interests and have a strong offering of 50+ active clubs and societies.
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