Active Research Areas
History of Early Modern Ireland & England, particularly the Restoration
History of Law
History of Crime & Punishment
History of Parliament & Representation
History of Administration
Contemporary Criminology
Crime and punishment in early modern Ireland: developing a colonial institution (Bloomsbury Press, forthcoming 2025)
Earl of Cork & Burlington Diaries, 1650-73, with P. Little (Irish Manuscripts Commission, forthcoming 2024)
History Matters – Published papers from the UCD Combined Departments of History Postgraduate Conference – 2001-3 (Dublin, 2004) – ed. with M.S. O’Neill & C. Cullen
Journal Editorship
Peer-Reviewed Articles & Chapters
‘Richard, 6th earl of Anglesey’, History of Parliament, 1715-90 (Cambridge, forthcoming 2026)
‘Understanding the low conviction rate in early modern Irish criminal trials’, Huntingdon Library Quarterly, 88/1 (forthcoming, 2025)
‘Ritual cultures and symbolic communications’ with Uladzimir Padalinski, Tracey Sowerby, and Katarzyna Kosior, in D. Pietrzyk-Reeves, P. Kewes, P. Seaward (eds), Early Modern Parliamentary Cultures of Poland-Lithuania and the Kingdoms of Britain and Ireland (Oxford, forthcoming, 2025)
‘Spaces, buildings, and performance’ with Tracey Sowerby and Katarzyna Kosior, in D. Pietrzyk-Reeves, P. Kewes, P. Seaward (eds), Early Modern Parliamentary Cultures of Poland-Lithuania and the Kingdoms of Britain and Ireland (Oxford, forthcoming, 2025)
‘"The Tower of Babell must be an example unto all assemblyes": Parliamentary speakers and their speeches in seventeenth-century Ireland’, in Marie Betlem Castella Pujuols, Martí Grau Segú, Mikel Urquijo (eds), Presidencies of Parliamentary and Representative Institutions (Madrid, 2024)
‘Nisi per legale judicium parium suorum: Parliament and the right to trial by peer in early modern Ireland’, P. Crooks & T. Mohr (eds),
Magna Carta and the idea of liberty (Dublin, 2023)
‘Privilege, organisation and aristocratic identity in the seventeenth-century Irish house of lords’ in Francesco Soddu & Annamari Nieddu (eds), Assemblee rappresentative, autonomie territoriali, culture politiche (Sassari, 2011)
Speakers in the seventeenth-century Irish parliament’ in P. Seaward (ed.)
The Speakership: Presiding officers and the management of business from the middle ages to the twenty-first century (Oxford, 2010) [Special volume of
Parliamentary History, 29/1 (2010)]
‘Dependency and subservience: The Irish parliament as a “small-state parliament”’ – Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne, 61/2 (2009)
‘Petitioning in the Irish parliament: The evidence from 1661-6’ in M.S. O’Neill, C. Cullen, & C.A. Dennehy, History matters – Published papers from the UCD Combined Departments of History Postgraduate Conference –2001-3 (Dublin, 2004)
Book Reviews
The Devil from over the sea: remembering and forgetting Oliver Cromwell in Ireland, by Sarah Covington in Irish Historical Studies
The Jacobite duchess: Frances Jennings, Duchess of Tyrconnell, c.1649-1731, by Frances Nolan in Parliamentary History
The official history of criminal justice in England and Wales, volume II by Paul Rock in The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice
Law reform in early modern England: crown, parliament, and the press by Barbara J. Shapiro in Parliaments, Estates & Representation
Cromwell and Ireland New Perspectives by Martyn Bennett, Raymond Gillespie, Raymond, and Scott Spurlock (eds) in The Seventeenth Century
Cromwell’s house of lords: Politics, parliaments and constitutional revolution, 1642-1660 by Jonathan Fitzgibbons in The Seventeenth Century
The Cambridge history of Ireland, vol. II: 1550-1743 by Jane Ohlmeyer (ed.) in Saothar: Journal of the Irish Labour History Society
Popular protest and policing in ascendancy Ireland, 1691-1761 by Timothy D. Watt in Irish Historical Studies
Early Stuart Irish warrants, 1623-1639: the Falkland and Wentworth administrations by M. Empey (ed.) in Irish Historical Studies
Royalists at war in Scotland and Ireland, 1638 – 1650 by B. Robertson in Irish Historical Studies
The acts of James II’s Irish parliament of 1689, by J. Bergin & A. Lyall (eds) in Parliaments, Estates, Representation
The last cavalier: Richard Talbot (1631-91), by P. Lenihan, in Irish Historical Studies
The life and times of Sir Frederick Hamilton, 1590-1647 (Dublin, 2013) by D. Rooney in Irish Historical Studies
Contempt of parliament (Dublin, 2012), by K. Wood in Parliaments, Estates & Representation
A short history of parliament: England, Great Britain, The United Kingdom, Ireland and Scotland (Woodbridge, 2009), ed. C Jones in Scottish Historical Review
The eighteenth-century composite state: Representative institutions in Ireland and Europe, 1689 – 1800 (Basingstoke, 2010), ed. D.W. Hayton, J. Kelly, and J. Bergin in Parliaments, Estates & Representation
Government, war and society in medieval Ireland: Essays by Edmund Curtis, A.J. Otway-Ruthven and James Lydon (Dublin, 2008), ed. P. Crooks in Parlements, États & Représentation
Parliament at Work: Parliamentary Committees, Political Power and Public Access in Early Modern England (Woodbridge, 2002), ed. C.R. Kyle and J. Peacey in History Review
Lord Broghill and the Cromwellian union with Ireland and Scotland (Woodbridge, 2004) by P. Little in History Review
‘Obituary: Prof Geoffrey Hand’, in Parliaments, Estates, Representation, 37 (2017)
Blogs, Magazines, Podcasts, Television, Radio, and Film
The History of Parliament Trust
University College London
Parliamentary Archives
History Hub
l'Association Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel
Irish Criminology Research Network
Legal History Miscellany
RTÉ Brainstorm
RTÉ DriveTime
Newstalk Talking History
NVTV History Now
Legends of the Mountain (Dir. Nuala Dalton)
Irish Manuscripts Commission
Free Legal Aid Centre (TCD)
Trasna na Tire
Conference Organisation
Co-convenor - Treason in Ireland, Dundalk
Committee member – (Un)fit to rule: body, mind, gender and spirit on the throne, Belgrade
Committee member – British Legal History Conference, Belfast
Co-convenor – Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington, and his World, London
Convenor - Law and revolution: Law & Lawyers before, during, and after the Cromwellian Interregnum, Dublin
Convenor – International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions (ICHRPI) conference, Dublin & Belfast
Co-convenor – Restoration Ireland, c.1660-85, Dublin