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DkIT Academic Contributes to Ground-breaking Midwifery Textbook

09 May 2023

Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) are proud to report that one of their esteemed academics, Dr Deirdre O’Malley, Lecturer in Midwifery in the Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Early Years in DkIT and adjunct Professor in Trinity College Dublin, is lead author on two chapters of an internationally ground-breaking textbook specific to midwifery and sexuality which was published recently.

Dr O’Malley was one of the 36 authors from 14 countries who contributed to this revolutionary book, which was edited by Sam Geuens, Ana Polona Mivšek and Woet.L Gianotten. The book Midwifery and Sexuality is the first book which integrates sexuality and sexual health into the care of the pregnant and postpartum couple. It addresses sexuality and sexual wellbeing from an education and prevention perspective while also discussing treatment strategies for commonly experienced perinatal sexual health issues.

Dr O’Malley said,

“I’m absolutely delighted to be part of this important and first of its kind textbook. I believe this is a much-needed educational reference for all midwifes. Midwives and other maternity healthcare providers often report not having the skills or knowledge to counsel women about potential changes to their sexual health before and after birth. This can leave women and couples confused and uncertain about their intimate relationships. This textbook is a free resource available to midwives and midwifery students around the world to give them the toolkit to talk about sex, sexuality and sexual wellbeing around the time of birth and months after.

Dr O’Malley is an integral part of the MAMMI (Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland) study since its inception in 2012. A longitudinal research project funded by the Health Research Board (HRB) and established in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin under the guidance of Professor Deirdre Daly and Professor Cecily Begley. The MAMMI study explores women’s health and wellbeing during the first year after birth. Data was collected from three sites in Ireland from over 3000 first time mothers. The MAMMI study is now one of the largest prospective maternal health studies globally. A five-year follow up, second baby follow up and a ten-year follow up are currently underway.

Dr Deirdre O’Malley’s research interests extend to all areas of maternity care and healthcare, with specific topic expertise in pre, during and post maternity sexual health and wellbeing. Dr O’Malley was lead author on the chapter on Sexuality of the Couple in Postpartum and Early Parenthood and the chapter focused on Sexual Aspects of Problems in the Postpartum and Early Parenthood.

To read Dr O’Malley’s chapter contributions, click the below buttons:

Chapter Contribution 1

Chapter Contribution 2


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