Dundalk Institute of Technology has developed, and is implementing, a comprehensive Safety Management Programme in compliance with its obligations under The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and any additional Regulations, Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance.
DkIT Statement of Health & Safety Policy
The Safety Policy Statement clearly outlines the Institute's intent in creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all staff, students, contractors, visitors and others affected by its activities.
Safety Statements (including Risk Assessments)
Parent Safety Statement and Ancillary Safety Statements For the different Schools and Functional Areas of the Institute.
Emergency Evacuations Procedures Manual
This manual has been prepared by the Estates Office of Dundalk Institute of Technology as a guide for staff and students on the Fire Safety Management Programme in place throughout the Institute.
Incidents & Accidents Reporting Procedures
Dundalk Institute of Technology is committed to reducing accidents and ill-health to the staff and students of the Institute. Procedures are in place in the Institute to ensure that all incidents are recorded.
Crisis Management Plan
The Crisis Management Plan (CMP) deals with response to a range of major incidents.
The CMP is co-ordinated through the President's Office .
First Aid Policy
This policy is designed to guide all staff and students of DkIT on the procedures in place for the access and provision of first aid assistance. It also outlines the procedures implemented for the maintenance of first aid equipment and supplies, in addition to the reporting of
Safety Committee
DkIT Institute Safety Monitoring Committee (ISMC)
Defibrillator Policy
This document is to provide information on the location and procedure required for the use of the AED units positioned throughout the campus. This policy was initially approved by the Executive Board on 12th June 2015 and is reviewed by the ISMC in conjuction with the Health and Safety Co-ordina
Garda Safety Information
Information about staying safe on campus, released by the Garda Síochána.
FFP2 - Safe use of FFP2 mask guidelines
Guidance document for the safe use of FFP2 face masks.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and the Pregnancy Regulations 2007, require that a risk assessment be done as part of the Safety Statement. This is required in all
Health & Safety Legislation
The primary piece of legislation relating to Health & Safety in the workplace is the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005. This contains the general framewo