Certificate in Nursing: Caring for the Adult Undergoing Electro Convulsive Therapy
Course Overview
This 1-semester part-time programme has been developed in conjunction with the HSE. It aims to enable the experienced registered nurse to develop knowledge and skills to practice as an ECT nurse in an approved centre and to integrate this knowledge into their practice.
As part of the administration of ECT, a designated ECT nurse is responsible for ensuring the equipment required for the therapy is checked and tested, ensures the pre-anaesthetic assessment is completed, is present in the room during the administration of ECT and has overall responsibility for the nursing care of the service user receiving ECT (Mental Health Commission 2016).
Career Opportunities
This programme enables the experienced registered nurse to develop knowledge and skills to practice as an ECT nurse in an approved centre1 and to integrate this knowledge into their practice.
Course Delivery and Modules
The programme is delivered via blended learning with a mixture of live online lectures from 09.00hrs to 17.00hrs and face to face lectures (09.00hrs to 17.00hrs) in DkIT.
Students are also required to undertake independent and directed study
NB: During the programme, the student must complete a two-week clinical placement in a theatre setting. This must include one week in theatre/anaesthetics and one week in a Post Anaesthesia Care Unit (PACU).
This placement must be sourced (by the student in conjunction with DkIT) prior to the commencement of the programme.
Course Content
This programme prepares students to:
- Integrate and synthesize knowledge of the role of the nurse in ECT and to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to assess, plan, implement and evaluate the care of a service user undergoing a programme of ECT.
- Critically discuss the knowledge, skills and professional behaviours required in the management of the risks of ECT and anaesthesia for patient safety and the competences to manage a patient’s recovery needs post anaesthesia and integrate and synthesize knowledge of anaesthesia and the care of the service user who has had an anaesthetic.
- Interpret and implement new and existing knowledge through evidence-based practices of the professional, legal and ethical aspects of ECT administration and the principles of research, best practice, quality improvement and audit in relation to ECT.
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills concerning implications of the risks of ECT and anaesthesia for patient safety and the competences to manage a patient’s recovery needs post anaesthesia and demonstrate the ability to discuss the principles of research, best practice, quality improvement and audit in relation to ECT.
- Synthesize new knowledge to enhance the practitioners ability to recognise and interpret abnormal clinical observations and the procedure of reporting them to relevant personnel and synthesize new knowledge and skills required to undertake intermediate life support.
- Integrate and synthesize knowledge to inform and educate service users and their family regarding purpose and benefit of ECT and critically discuss the knowledge, skills and professional behaviours of the merits of ECT as a therapeutic treatment and the wider debate surrounding the use of ECT;
- Critically appraise the proposed neurobiological mechanisms responsible for the therapeutic effects of ECT.
For more information click here
Fees and Funding
Please find information on fees and funding here: www.dkit.ie/fees
Entry Requirements
- Applicants must be a Registered Nurse with NMBI or equivalent
- Applicants must be currently employed in Mental Health Services
- Applicants must be qualified at least 6 months
- Applicants must complete and submit the Employer Support Form in support of their application and agree to facilitate the learner’s teaching practice
- Applicants must have an in-date basic life support certificate.
- Applicants must be in good health and complete a health declaration prior to commencing the programme
- Due to the blended learning delivery within this course students should have access to a PC / Mac, a headset with a mic, and a broadband internet connection from home, so as to be able to fully participate in the course
How To Apply
The next intake for this course is January 2025. Online applications will open in Autumn 2024. To register your interest please complete the form below.
Apply for this course using our online applications system as per below. You must also upload a completed Employer Support Form(.docx) to your online application's Supplemental Items & Documents section.
Ask us a Question
If you have a question about the Certificate in Nursing: Caring for the Adult Undergoing Electro Convulsive Therapy please ask it below and we will get back to you.
Dr. Geraldine O’Connor
Head of Section (Part-Time Courses), School of Health and Science
Email: geraldine.oconnor@dkit.ieDisclaimer: All module titles are subject to change and for indicative purposes only. All courses are delivered subject to demand and timetables are subject to change. Elective Module options will only run subject to student numbers. The relevant Department will determine the viability of each elective module option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose that option. Students will be offered alternative elective modules on their programme should their preferred elective option not be proceeding. Award Options for Common Entry Programmes: The relevant Department will determine the viability of each award option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose either option. If the numbers for one of the Award options exceed available places, students for this option will be selected based on Academic Merit (highest grades).