Certificate in Management
Now closed for applications
The closing date for applications is Monday 2nd September or until all places are taken, whichever comes first.
Course Overview
The aim of this Certificate in Management is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the general principles of management and organisational behaviour against the backdrop of economic and social sustainability. This course is best-suited to students who wish to develop informed solutions on how to manage and lead people and organisations efficiently and effectively and appreciate the key factors influencing the behaviour of people at work.
On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- Develop informed solutions on how to manage and lead people and organisations efficiently and effectively.
- Appreciate the key factors influencing the behaviour of people at work - personality, perception, attitudes, learning, motivation, group work, and emotion/stress in the workplace.
- Describe both the history and the current context of managing and leading both the employment relationship and organisations.
- Define management and identify its key functions and practices, and their relationship to work and people in an organisational setting as well as to organisational competitive advantage.
- Discuss the main challenges management and leaders face today - corporate responsibility, diversity, managing in a global arena, creativity and innovation, managing organisational culture, change, and sustainability.
Course Delivery and Modules
The mode of delivery is part-time with some blended via DkIT Moodle. Assessment of this Certificate will comprise course work and an examination. Exams take place in January and May.
This course runs over 4 Saturdays as follows:
- Saturday 28th September 9am - 3pm
- Saturday 19th October 9am - 3pm
- Saturday 9th November 9am - 3pm
- Saturday 7th December 9am - 3pm
Dates subject to change.
Induction for new students will run Monday 16th September from 6:30 PM.
Course Content
This course covers a wide range of Management topics including:
- Introduction to Management
- Leadership
- Business Environment
- Planning & Organising
- Controlling & Influencing
- Organisational Culture
- Business Ethics
- Managing & Leading Change
- People at Work
- Managing Conflict at Work
Education Progression
Graduates of this Certificate in Management may be eligible for exemptions on other similar programmes within DkIT and with other providers.
Learners who successfully complete this Certificate will be offered the relevant module exemption from the DkIT BBS part time degree.
Learners completing this may also apply to the full-time BB in Business & Management programme and, provided they meet entry criteria for that programme, will be offered exemptions for the relevant module that they have successfully completed.
Fees and Funding
Total course fee: €500, payable as follows:
- €200 Accept Offer fee (non refundable)
- Balance of €300 payable by 31st October
Entry Requirements
All applicants will normally hold a relevant level 5 qualification (or equivalent) or higher.
Applicants who do not meet the minimum education requirements but are 23 years or older and have relevant work experience may still apply for consideration by the Institute. If you are applying as a mature student be sure to submit your CV and any letters of reference you have from employers.
International students must have English level of IELTS 6.0 (or equivalent).
Ask us a Question
If you have a question about the Certificate in Management please ask it below and we will get back to you.
Nuala Rispin
Email: nuala.rispin@dkit.ieDisclaimer: All module titles are subject to change and for indicative purposes only. All courses are delivered subject to demand and timetables are subject to change. Elective Module options will only run subject to student numbers. The relevant Department will determine the viability of each elective module option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose that option. Students will be offered alternative elective modules on their programme should their preferred elective option not be proceeding. Award Options for Common Entry Programmes: The relevant Department will determine the viability of each award option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose either option. If the numbers for one of the Award options exceed available places, students for this option will be selected based on Academic Merit (highest grades).