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Applying to an Apprenticeship

Get information on how to apply to an apprenticeship via DkIT.

Apprenticeship is the recognised means by which people are trained to become craftspeople in Ireland. The main craft trades have been designated by SOLAS and come within the scope of the Statutory Apprenticeship system, which is organised in Ireland by SOLAS in co-operation with the Department of Education and Skills, employers and unions. Apprenticeship is a demand-driven, workplace and classroom, educational and training programme for employed people aimed at developing the skills of the apprentice to meet the needs of industry and the labour market.

About Apprenticeship System

The apprenticeship system is a modular standards-based system generally comprising of 7 alternating phases of on-the-job and off-the-job training and development. These alternating phases of training consist of 3 off-the-job and 4 on-the-job phases. The duration of the 3 off-the-job training phases does not normally exceed 40 weeks.

The off-the-job phases are delivered by a Training Centre, an Institute of Technology or another approved training provider. The key factor in the delivery of an off-the-job training phase is that it is delivered in a single training environment to ensure the integration of practical training with the necessary theoretical and personal skills.

What Apprenticeships can I do in DkIT?

Dundalk Institute of Technology provides the educational service for Phase 4 and Phase 6 of the Standards Based Apprenticeship system in the following Trade/Crafts:

When do I study at DkIT?

You will attend Dundalk Institute of Technology for Phase 4 and Phase 6 of the Standards-Based Apprenticeship. Both phases last between 10 and 11 weeks.

How do I obtain an Apprenticeship?

Apprentices must be at least 16 years of age and have a minimum of grade D in any five subjects in the Junior Certificate or equivalent. However, employers may require additional minimum qualifications. Where individuals do not meet the minimum requirements they may be registered as an apprentice by an employer if:

  • They satisfactorily complete an approved preparatory training course and assessment interview. For information on these courses please contact your local Employment Services Office;


  • Over 16 years of age with a minimum of threeyears relevant work experience. This work experience must be in a relevant designated industrial activity as SOLAS shall deem acceptable Apprentices must be employed in their chosen occupation by an employer who has been approved by SOLAS. The employer must register the apprentice with SOLAS within 2 weeks of recruitment. In certain occupations, a vision test is required.

On-the-Job / Off-the-Job Schedule

 Phase Training  Duration                                                      

Phase 1                             

On-the-job training — with Employer   12 weeks 
Phase 2 Off-the-job training — with Training Centre up to 20 weeks
Phase 3 On-the-job training — with Employer    Minimum 6 months 
Phase 4 Off-the-job training — with the Institute of Technology  10 - 11 weeks
Phase 5 On-the-job training — with Employer   Minimum 6 months
Phase 6 Off-the-job training — with the Institute of Technology  10 - 11 weeks
Phase 7 On-the-job training — with Employer  Minimum 3 months




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