Smooth muscle is a major constituent of the internal muscular organs of the body including blood and lymphatic vessels, the urinary and gastrointestinal tracts as well as the airway and reproductive organs. It contains similar contractile elements to skeletal and cardiac muscle but their organisation and mode of activation are quite different. Contractions of smooth muscle are either phasic (rapid single contractions which are usually concerned with fluid propulsion) or tonic (slow sustained contractions usually concerned with varying resistance to flow or control of sphincters). Normal smooth muscle contraction is vital for health and normal physiological function. For example, patterned contractions and relaxations of gastrointestinal smooth muscle forms peristaltic motions vital for digestion. Inappropriate contractions of airway smooth muscle lead to bronchoconstriction, a major symptom of astham and COPD. Normal relaxations of the bladder smooth muscle are needed to allow the organ to fill with urine, while contractions of urethra smooth muscle prevent bladder leakage.
In our laboratory we study a wide range of smooth muscle tissues including the bronchi (airway), bladder, urethra and male reproductive organs. Using state of the art electrophysiological models, calcium signalling techniques and genetically modified animal models, we aim to elucidate the mechanisms that underlie smooth muscle contraction and relaxation. Our laboratoy focues on the calcium signalling mechanisms and ionic conductances that are responsible for this activity and how it might be modulated be neural signals in the body.
As of January 2024, our laboratory consists of 6 prinicipal investigators (PIs), 2 post-doctoral fellows, 7 PhD students, a full time laboratory manager as well as up to 8 x 4th year DkIT Biopharmaceutical Students that join us for their final research project in semester 2.
We are always eager to show DkIT students our facillities, talk about our research and chat about joining the laboratory as a PhD student. All of our PIs are active lecturing faculty with a close relationship with undergraduate students. Our group has a proud history of recruiting PhD students from the final year Science programmes at DkIT, with several DkIT alumni going on to have successful research / industry careers or returning as DkIT faculty themselves.
If you would like to know more, please reach out to us!

Click here for our most recent list of publications:

We are currently recruiting 1 PhD student to the BREATH Project, commencing October 1st, 2017.
Graduate Brochure
The Smooth Muscle Group at Dundalk Institute of Technology represents the largest group of researchers studying the physiology and electrophysiology of smooth muscle in Ireland and the UK.
Ion Channel Biotechnology Centre

ICBC is the commercialization arm of the Smooth Muscle Research Centre at Dundalk Institute of Technology, Co. Louth, Ireland.