STÓR is Dundalk Institute of Technology’s Open Access (OA) Institutional Repository and is run by the Library. The aim of our repository is to make DKIT’s research output, including theses and research papers, freely available to the public via the internet. STOR is linked to RIAN (, the National Research Repository for Third Level Institutions.
Open Access provision is free of most copyright and licensing restrictions.
The benefits of making your research accessible via STÓR include:
- Disseminates your research more widely; increasing its impact and benefit to society
- Increases citations of your work; having your research available in a repository can significantly boost reader numbers and citations
- Improves visibility of your research; making it easier and quicker to find through popular search engines
- Provides a permanent home for your publications; this is particularly important for grey literature such as working papers, conference papers, unpublished reports etc.
What can be deposited?
The final accepted peer-reviewed draft (or final draft where not peer-reviewed) of the following can be added to STOR:
- Journal Articles
- Conference Publications
- Technical Reports
- Patents
- Book Chapters
- Government Publications written by DkIT authors
- Scholarly contribution to newspaper/magazine
- Working papers
- PhD Theses
Researchers and staff are welcome to upload their own papers. Alternatively, the STÓR Administrator can add papers on behalf of researchers.
For information on copyright issues and submission policies please see our Repository Policies page.
Queries about STÓR?
- STÓR Administrator