All full-time and part-time Academic Staff, Post-Docs and Research Assistants in DkIT can avail of our Postgraduate Supervisor Training programme, which is run on an annual basis. This programme is mandatory for anyone supervising or intending to supervise a level 9 or level 10 research student. Based on the National Irish Scheme for Supervisor training and the ‘Lifecycle’ programme is recognised by all Irish Universities as a highly effective and time-efficient route for developing the supervision skills of research supervisors. DkIT was the first Institute of Technology to launch such a scheme.
The complete Supervision Lifecycle for a Masters or PhD programme is covered – from Registration through to Graduation – via 4 Lifecycle Workshops, on a monthly basis. All aspects of PG management are covered, including Selection, Skills Training through to Academic Writing, Thesis Submission and “Surviving the Viva”. All staff completing this training will be presented with a DkIT Research Supervision Certificate from The President, at an awards ceremony which is held each Spring.
Training Schedule
Registration is mandatory for this Training Programme. To reserve your place, please contact using the subject title “Supervisory Training Registration”.
More Information
- Mary Matthews
- Research Office Administrator