Students wishing to transfer from the Master’s or PhD track register to the PhD Register must make a formal application, through their respective Graduate Research Programme Board, to the DkIT Graduate Research Studies Board. This will also be approved by the DCU Graduate Research Studies Board.
- This transfer procedure should begin no earlier than 12 months after initial registration but at most, after no more than 22 months of research for full time students.
- This process is coordinated by the Graduate Studies Office. Students and their supervisory teams are advised to contact the Graduate Studies Office for guidance on requirements and timelines for this process.
- Students wishing to transfer are required to undergo an examination process by a PhD Transfer Board
- The Supervisory Panel are responsible for nominating an independent external examiner at least 4 weeks in advance of the proposed examination process. The eligibility criteria for external examiners, as well as the structure and role of the PhD Transfer Examination Board are outlined in the Academic Regulations Postgraduate Degrees by Research.
- Students must submit a Transfer Report or an equivalent discipline-specific submission to their Supervisory Panel. This report will be evaluated by a PhD Transfer Board, who will also orally examine the student.
The Transfer Report:
The Transfer Report should be no more than 50 pages, double-spaced and structured as follows:
- A review and discussion of the research work already undertaken together with a comprehensive list of references
- An outline of the proposed PhD Project, including appropriate targets, milestones and a timescale for completion of the research works
- A statement by the supervisors confirming the endorsing the candidate and confirming that their proposed research programme is viable for the award of PhD
Recommended Outcomes:
Following the PhD Transfer Examination, the Board can recommend one of the following outcomes:
- Student can transfer to the PhD Register
- Student can transfer to the PhD Register subject to clearly specified revisions to the content of the Transfer Report; these revisions to be submitted for consideration no later than three months after the original examination date.
- The student may resubmit an updated Transfer Report, based on recommendations by the examiners, and re-present for a second examination no later than 6 months after the original examination date. This may be the case if the examiner believes that there is real potential but that it is not possible to make a positive recommendation at the time when the transfer is originally requested.
- Student should be registered on the Master’s Register and be invited to complete such research as will allow him/her to graduate with a Master’s degree