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How to Apply To Springboard+?

To apply for any of the Springboard+ courses on offer at Dundalk Institute of Technology, please go to and apply through the centralised application system.

You can also browse our Springboard+ courses where each course page will also have a link directly through to the applications system on the Springboard website.

Recognition of Prior Learning?

In order to encourage and enable people to enter or re-enter formal education DkIT welcomes applications from candidates who wish to enhance their academic eligibility for a place on a course by using the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) mechanism.
RPL is the term used to describe the system whereby prospective students can apply for formal recognition to a range of relevant learning that you may have gained prior to entry onto a particular course.  
RPL includes:
  • Recognition of Prior Accredited Learning: This refers to the recognition of formal learning which is linked to the National Framework of Qualifications and for which certification has been awarded; it might include a course or part of a course that has been completed previously.
  • Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning: This refers to the recognition of the kind of learning that has been gained through work or life experiences. It could also include learning gained through workplace training courses.
  • Candidates will be asked to set out, formally and in detail using the IT Carlow Springboard RPL Form, any previous certified or experiential learning previous that they wish to have considered in the process of allocating places on a course.
For more information about submitting a RPL application for a place on a DkIT Springboard Course please first contact the Lifelong Learning Centre, at 

Have a question about Springboard+?

  • Sara Farrell
  • Lifelong Learning Centre, DkIT