DkIT host first College of Sanctuary Working Group meeting
31 May 2018On 24th May, 2018, the inaugural meeting of the DkIT College of Sanctuary Working Group took place in the CúChulainn Suite in the Regional Development Centre.
As well as internal members of DkIT leadership team, academic staff, library staff and support services, the meeting was addressed by Tian Yu Lloyd, Assistant Co-ordinator of Paces of Sanctuary Ireland. Other members of the external community of Dundalk were also in attendance as well as members of the Carroll Village Direct Provision Centre. The meeting was a wonderful launch of this initiative in Dundalk which will see asylum seekers and DkIT work together in a spirit of mutual learning. Places of Sanctuary Ireland is a network of groups in towns, cities and local communities which share the objectives of promoting the integration, inclusion and welfare of refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants, by encouraging every sector of society to make a practical commitment to becoming places of welcome and safety.
PoSI works through community groups, schools and colleges, churches, local councils, businesses and other organisations in the belief that these newcomers have a huge amount to offer Irish society. We want to ensure that their voices are heard and that their skills and talents are given an opportunity to flourish for their good and for that of Irish society as a whole. PoSI is not affiliated to any political or religious organisation, but is linked to the wider City of Sanctuary movement which was established in the UK in 2005 with a vision for making cities places that had a culture of welcome and inclusion, especially for those seeking sanctuary. Dundalk Institute of Technology is actively pursuing a future of greater inclusion, opportunity and equality.
For more information visit the website:
If you have any questions, please contact:
Bernadette Brereton