Dublin North, North East Recovery College
06 March 2017The Recovery College is delighted to announce our new series of Louth & Meath based Mental Health Recovery Courses, supporting people to overcome distress.
During Our Spring and Summer Terms for 2017, the College will host a number of empowering courses in Dundalk, County Louth, and also Navan, County Meath. These creative and empowering learning spaces are open to everyone in the community with an interest in Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Coming into only our second term, The Recovery College is a not-for profit Community based initiative offering educational courses that harness the knowledge, skills and experience of all involved. As we aim to create a culture of recovery throughout the Dublin North, Louth and Meath communities. The college provides spaces where participants not only choose their own courses to explore the potential of recovery in ways that suits them, students also help design and deliver the courses we provide.
The upcoming courses in Dundalk and Navan, which have been developed by our students, service users and Mental Health Professionals, include:
Full course details are available on www.recoverycollege.ie/ourcourses
Applications for these empowering courses are now open to everyone with an interest mental health wellbeing and recovery. Numbers are limited.
People with lived experience are central to the development of this much-needed community-based initiative, which is being supported by the HSE, DCU, DKIT, the Irish Advocacy Network, Advancing Recovery Ireland and Respond Housing.
To register your interest in participating here:
Phone: 01 700 8887
Email: recoverycollege@dcu.ie
Website: www.recoverycollege.ie
Twitter: twitter.com/DNNERecoveryCol
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DNNERecoveryCollege/