DkIT President Welcomes Greater Clarity Around Leaving Certificate
11 May 2020DkIT President, Michael Mulvey, PhD. has welcomed the recent clarification on Leaving Certficiate arrangments.
I welcome the announcement regarding the completion of the 2020 senior cycle assessment process, and specifically the replacement of the planned Leaving Certificate examinations with an alternative grading system. A great deal of consideration and expertise was brought to bear on creating a solution to providing state certification of the completion of the senior cycle in the context of containing and suppressing the Covid-19 pandemic. This has been a particularly worrying and uncertain time for Leaving Certificate students, their families, friends, and teachers. The decision announced recently brings certainty to the process and also allows DkIT to plan toward welcoming new students into the next academic year. Our current focus is on completing this year’s assessment for our existing students whilst commencing planning for resumption in September.
We recognise that this solution has been informed by experts who have been working closely with Government and relevant agencies since the onset of the public health emergency. We will continue to work closely with our partners and stakeholders to clarify the resulting CAO schedule and we expect that dates and time-frames will closely resemble the norm.
As we work through the recovery phases outlined in the Government's Roadmap for Reopening Society & Business, we look forward to welcoming a new cohort of students to our institutes this autumn. Your ambition and skills will be central to rebuilding societal confidence and rebooting our economy. Our institutions are particularly experienced in small group teaching and are linked closely with enterprise which is key to fuelling that recovery. Our institutes of technology have been key agents for change both locally and nationally and support a student cohort that closely reflects the socio-economic profile of the Irish population. They are key to supporting equitable access to higher education and have strong student services in place that will be central to supporting learners through the recovery.
We will continue to work closely with the public health authorities to ensure that next year's provision will protect the health and wellbeing of both staff and students and we continue to ensure that every support possible is put in place to nurture both the physical and mental health of our communities.
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