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DkIT Had Strong Presence at The All-Island Restraint Reduction Network (AIRRN) Event

04 July 2023

Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) were delighted to have a strong presence at the All-Island Restraint Reduction Network [AIRRN] which was hosted recently in Stormont Government buildings. Dr Kevin McKenna Lecturer, School of Health and Science, DkIT attended and presented at this occasion which saw the launch of the report of an event which was previously hosted by AIRRN and Inclusion Ireland in DkIT last October 2022.

Prior to the report launch, the AIRRN hosted the inaugural joint meeting with of RRN colleagues from England Scotland & Wales. England was represented by Mr Ben Higgins CEO and Sarah Leitch Director of Development from British Institute of Learning Disabilities [BILD] and Restraint Reduction Network [RRN], Wales was represented by Mr David O' Brien Senior Improvement Manager Quality, Safety and Improvement Cymru NHS Wales Executive, Scotland was represented by Mr Charlie McMillan CEO Scottish Commission for people with Learning Disabilities’ (SCLD) and Dr Brodie Paterson.

Ireland was represented by Derval McDonagh CEO and Mary Lee Information and Support Officer/AIRRN Support Inclusion Ireland. Aoife Watters, Deirdre Shakespeare and Dr Kevin McKenna from DkIT were also present representing Ireland. The launch event was attended by senior personnel from professional and regulatory bodies across the Island of Ireland.

The All-Island Restraint Reduction Network (AIRRN) is a recently formed cross border organisation bringing together experts in restraint reduction across sector and experience. The Network’s ambition is to establish restraint-free care, support, and to make a real difference in the lives of children and adults, particularly those in vulnerable situations.

Dr Kevin McKenna, Lecturer School of Health & Science DkIT said,

“DkIT is acknowledged nationally and internationally as a leader in the subject of conflict and restrictive practice within health and social care, and is proud to join stakeholders in leading on this All-Island collaborative initiative toward the AIRRN vision of 'a life in a land free from coercion’”.   

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