Red Weather Warning: Please be advised that the DkIT Campus will be closed this Friday, 24th January 2025. Read More.
All requests must be made online using the relevant request form. We cannot accept requests by email or in person at the Library Desk. Make a Request
We accept requests for books, journal articles, book chapters, conference papers/proceedings, theses/dissertations, government publications and technical reports. All material requested must be for the purposes of learning, teaching, academic research, scientific research or private study (i.e. non-commercial use).
Requests should be directly related to your course / work / research. If you would like an item for personal use we can supply it at cost price.
You may have up to 5 requests on your account at any one time. This includes new requests, items we are waiting to be delivered to us, and items you have checked out on your account. Additional requests will be cancelled but you may re-request them at a later stage.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a delivery date. We process requests as quickly as possible but we must then wait for the lending library to send the item to us.
We will email you when your ILL arrives. All requests should be collected by the requester from the Library Desk.
All correspondence will be sent to your Institute email account only, so please check it regularly.
Unfortunately not, as ILLs are material from other libraries, so we are bound by terms and conditions of the supplying libraries. One condition is that any ILL must be borrowed and returned directly from DkIT library only by the person who requested the ILL.
Exceptions can be made for those who are distance learners, however they must be returned via registered post, the cost of which is met by the requester of the ILL.
It is not possible to cancel requests. Once you make a request you are liable for the cost. Failure to collect an ILL item may result in the service being withdrawn.
Books are usually on loan to you for 2/3 weeks. The return date is determined by the lending library. Some books may only be used in the Library. This is at the request of the lending library and is a condition that must be adhered to.
An ILL can be recalled at any time by the lending library. If this happens we will email you with a new due date.
Journal articles are printed for you and do not need to be returned.
ILLs can not be renewed. A period of six weeks from the original due date must elapse before an ILL can be re-requested.
Return an ILL on or before the due date to the Library Desk. An Interlibrary Loan service is centred on trust, so we aim to return all books to the lending library on time. Items must be returned directly to DkIT Library, not to the lending library.
Fines are charged at €3 per day per item. This applies to both staff and students. Returning an item late may also result in restricted use or withdrawal of the ILL service.
If you lose an item you are liable for the replacement cost plus a fine. The lending library determines the replacement cost and fine. For example, the British Library charges €191 for lost items.
No, these details won't be saved so be sure to keep a note of your own requests for future reference.
In order to make an ILL request you need to be in good standing with the Library. We ask that you either renew or return all overdue items to the Library before making ILL requests.
At present it is only possible to request dissertations that are available within the Republic of Ireland and in some circumstances if they are available in digital format within the United Kingdom.
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Status Red Weather Warning: DkIT Campus closed on Friday 24th January 2025
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