Certificate in Audio-Visual Production for Online Platforms
Course Overview
This course will give students extensive knowledge, understanding and competencies across a wide range of audio-visual principles and practices for online platforms, including camera operation, video editing, audio mixing, podcasting, vlogging, live streaming, presenting, motion graphics, storytelling, ethics, and media law.
This innovative course is aimed at those who wish to specialize and build their skills in online audio/video production and dissemination.
This course is aimed at upskilling those already involved in the A/V sector and providing a solid skills foundation to those who intend to seek employment in various online positions. This course will be relevant to school leavers, recent graduates and those who wish to reskill. It will be delivered 80% online so that it is relevant to those already working in this area and to those who are geographically removed from the North-East of Ireland. The other 20% will consist of three on campus workshops per semester.
The course will cover production and post-production skills for online video, content development and scripting for online video, and marketing/entrepreneurship for online content creators. Participants will also gain skills in audio, graphics, presenting, live streaming and VFX for online video.
The course will strive to instill awareness in participants with regard to low-budget production methodologies including home ‘studio’ production - and the many open-source software tools and platforms that can facilitate start-ups in this area. It will also strive to develop participants’ awareness regarding the online video content landscape and with regard to proven strategies for reaching audiences through Social Media.
Career Opportunities
- Social Media Manager
- Social Media Producer
- Vlogger/Influencer
- Online Community Manager
- Content Writer
- Digital Media Supervisor
- A/V Freelancer
Course Delivery and Modules
The course comprises of six taught modules over two semesters, delivered 80 percent online and 20 percent on-campus. There will be 3 on-campus Saturday workshops per Semester.
The online classes will be roughly 8hrs a week. The course will be taught using an online learning approach, providing a balanced learning experience that is both a structured and flexible learner experience for students. This will accommodate students in active employment.
Tuesdays - Introduction to Vision and Sound, 6 – 8.30pm
Wednesdays - Writing for Online Media, 6 – 8.30pm
Thursdays - Content Creation for Social Media, 6 – 8.30pm
Semester 1
- Introduction to Vision and Sound— To develop basic camera operation and video editing skills.
- Writing for Online Media— The writing process for fiction and factual content and its application within the context of online storytelling.
- Content Creation for Social Media— The knowledge and skills to legally and ethically create content for various social media platforms.
Semester 2
- Digital Audio and Recording Techniques— To develop practice-based skills for DAW use and Podcast creation.
- A/V Technologies for Live Streaming— The technical knowledge and skills to research, produce and present A/V content for live events.
- Visual Effects for Online Content— To develop composting and visual effects techniques for online projects.
Fees and Funding
Course fee is €385 payable in 2 instalments as follows:
- Instalment 1: €200 (non-refundable) is payable to confirm your acceptance of a course place.
- Instalment 2: €185 is payable by the end of February.
Course is FREE to unemployed people in receipt of an eligible DSP Jobseekers payment. Find out more here: https://www.dkit.ie/part-time/fees,-concessions-and-policies.html
Entry Requirements
The entry requirements for the programme follow the standard entry requirements for admission to Level 6 courses at DkIT:
- Five passes at Leaving Certificate on ordinary level papers at Grade D or above (including English and Mathematics) or 4 passes at Leaving Certificate (of which at least two are on higher level papers) at Grade D or above (including English and Mathematics) will be required for entry onto this programme.
Applicants who do not meet the academic entry requirements but who have significant relevant experience in the technology or media sectors can apply under the Institute’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy that allows for the recognition of both formal and informal learning, non-accredited personal and professional education and work-based learning. Learn more about RPL at DkIT
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Disclaimer: All module titles are subject to change and for indicative purposes only. All courses are delivered subject to demand and timetables are subject to change. Elective Module options will only run subject to student numbers. The relevant Department will determine the viability of each elective module option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose that option. Students will be offered alternative elective modules on their programme should their preferred elective option not be proceeding. Award Options for Common Entry Programmes: The relevant Department will determine the viability of each award option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose either option. If the numbers for one of the Award options exceed available places, students for this option will be selected based on Academic Merit (highest grades).