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Flexible & Professional

Certificate in Skills for Independent Living

September 2026
On Campus
2 Years

DkIT Course ID


Fees (EU)

HEA PATH 4 Phase 2 Funding Initiative - FREE to eligible candidates

Course Capacity



2 Years

Work Placement




NFQ Level


Discipline Area

Nursing & Midwifery

Course Type

Flexible & Professional

Study Mode


Next intake will be September 2026

Register your interest here 

Course Overview

This HEA PATH 4 Phase 2 funding initaitve, Certificate in Skills in Independent Living, is a 2 year part-time course is specifically developed for adults with intellectual disabilities with the aim that learners will develop a lifelong learning ethos with the promotion of inclusion to third level education. The purpose of this award is to enable the learners develop relevant knowledge and competence to be able to take his/her place in society.

This QQI Level 3 approved course is specifically developed for adults with intellectual disabilities. The purpose of this award is to enable the learner with an intellectual disability to develop relevant knowledge and competence to be able to take his/her place in society. It is aimed that the learners will develop a lifelong learning ethos with the promotion of inclusion to third level education.

The course is open to individuals either supported by an agency or independent learners who meet the entry requirements.

Course Delivery and Modules

This programme will be delivered on two days per week (10.00hrs to 16.00hrs) over a period of 2 academic years.

This will allow sufficient time for the learners to develop and take ownership of their learning as well as ensuring sufficient supports are in place for them to engage fully in the course as well as third level community life.

  • Modules

    • Communications
    • Personal Effectiveness 
    • Functional Maths
    • Application of Numbers
    • Computer Literacy
    • Career Preparation 
    • Work Placement

Work Placement


Fees and Funding

This programme is supported by HEA Path4 Phase 2 funding initiative and is free to eligible candidates.


EU Fees

HEA PATH 4 Phase 2 Funding Initiative - FREE to eligible candidates

Entry Requirements

  • 18 years old on date of registration.
  • Confirmed Intellectual Disability.
  • Basic literacy and numeracy is required.

As part of the selection process, interested applicants will be required to:

  • Attend an interview and complete a literacy and numeracy assessment exercise 

Ask us a Question

If you have a question about the Certificate in Skills for Independent Living please ask it below and we will get back to you.

John Reid

Programme Director


Disclaimer: All module titles are subject to change and for indicative purposes only. All courses are delivered subject to demand and timetables are subject to change. Elective Module options will only run subject to student numbers. The relevant Department will determine the viability of each elective module option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose that option. Students will be offered alternative elective modules on their programme should their preferred elective option not be proceeding. Award Options for Common Entry Programmes: The relevant Department will determine the viability of each award option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose either option. If the numbers for one of the Award options exceed available places, students for this option will be selected based on Academic Merit (highest grades).