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Flexible & Professional

BA in Applied Early Childhood Studies [Advanced Entry to Year 2 Only]

September 2025
2 Years

DkIT Course ID


Fees (EU)

€2,500 per annum

Course Capacity



2 Years

Work Placement




NFQ Level


Discipline Area

Early Childhood Studies

Course Type

Flexible & Professional

Study Mode


The next intake is Sept 2025, you can register your interest here 


Course Overview

The BA in Applied Early Childhood Education [Year 2-entry only] is a two-year part-time course, designed for people who are interested in pursuing opportunities in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) sector. The course focuses on the study of play, development and learning in children from birth to six years old. The aim of the course is the development of high-skilled professional educators for the future who specialise in early childhood education.

The focus of the course is the study of play, development and learning in children from birth to six years old in a socio-cultural context and the implications of this for practice in early childhood settings. The Early Childhood professional educator needs to understand many facets of the young child's development and how best to plan and implement programmes that address the child's needs in a holistic way.

This course designed for people who have been working in the early childhood care and education sector for a number of years and who may already hold some qualifications in the early childhood area, but now wish to obtain academic qualifications to degree level. It is in response to national strategies on early childhood care and education which has identified the need to up skill the workforce in this sector.

The course will nurture students' personal, social and professional development with a view to producing a highly competent professional educator committed to providing high quality services to babies, young children and their families based on the contemporary principles of best practice as determined by Aistear and Siolta.

What makes this course different

Blended Learning

Blended course delivery (online & in-class) to allow greater flexibility to learners as they manage full-time employment and part-time study.

Professional Recognition

This programme is recognised on the Department of Children and Youth Affairs early years qualifications listing and approved by the Qualifications Advisory Board.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of this degree may follow a variety of career paths in the education, health and social-care fields. There is an identified skills shortage for well-trained graduates who can quickly move up to more senior roles in Child Care Centres and other early childhood care and education settings.

Employment opportunities include roles as managers, directors, coordinators or leaders in early years settings such as:

  • pre-schools
  • crèches
  • special needs services
  • family support centres and community services in the statutory
  • voluntary
  • community
  • private sectors
  • government agencies and public agencies

Course Delivery and Modules

For Stage 2: The course takes place over 2 years, for students who gain advanced entry to stage 2.

The course uses a blended learning approach, whereby learners engage in class contact and online delivery.

The programme is delivered online on Mondays and Thursdays (18.00hrs to 21.30hrs), with full 3 Saturdays (09.00hrs to 16.00hrs) face-to-face (in either DkIT or CCOC, Cork).

Please note this timetable is subject to change.

In Stage 2, Semester 2 of the course, students will be required to undertake a full time 5-day work placement in a Special Needs setting. The placement site for this mandatory practice is organised by DkIT.  Due of the work placement element of this course, applicants must successfully pass Garda/Police vetting for all jurisdictions where the student was/is resident and complete a vaccination programme (including Hep B) in advance of the Special Needs placement.


Due to the blended learning delivery within this course, students should have access to a PC / Mac and a broadband internet connection from home, so as to be able to fully participate in the course.

Fees and Funding

Stage 2 course fee is €2,500 per year. The fee is payable as follows:

  • Payment 1 = Accept Offer Fee (non-refundable) = €200
  • Payment 2 = €1,050 (payable by 31st October)
  • Payment 3 = €1,250 (payable by 28th February)

Stage 3 course fee is €2,500 per year. The fee is payable as follows:

  • Instalment 1 = €1,250 by end of October of Semester One
  • Instalment 2 = €1,250 by end of February of Semester Two

Funding Available:

This programme is covered by the Nurturing Skills Learning Fund Scheme, co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union.

Applications for the Nurturing Skills Learner Fund will open in May 2024 for programmes commencing in the academic year 2024-2025. Fees may be calculated as follows:

  • Cost per academic year: €2,500
  • Nurture fund grant at 80% =  €2,000
  • Student pay €500 per annum (subject to student eligibility for NSLF pilot scheme)


EU Fees

€2,500 per annum

Entry Requirements

For Advanced Entry to Stage 2, candidates must have a major award:

  • QQI Level 5 AND Level 6 


  • QQI (FETAC) Level 6 only (if awarded since 2015)

in Early Childhood Studies or equivalent and have two years’ work experience in a Tusla registered early child care service (minimum of 15 hours per week).

Candidates may be required to attend for interview. Length of work experience and position in employment may be used as ranking criteria in a shortlisting process. 

Work Experience while undertaking the B.A in Applied Early Childhood Studies:

Applicants must have access to a Tusla registered early childhood service (minimum of 15 hours per week) or work in another relevant organisation in the Early Years Sector throughout their course of study to facilitate the integration of theory with practice and to meet the different module learning outcomes. Applications will not be accepted without a written confirmation from the applicant’s organisation covering each of the points below:

  • Details of the organisation for which the applicant is working in
  • Details of the length of time the applicant has been working in the organisation
  • Details of the roles and responsibilities of the applicant in the organisation in the time-frame stated above, including promotions and progressions, clearly indicating the specific nature of the applicants' current role.
  • Agreement from their organisation that the applicant, throughout their course of study, will be facilitated to integrate theory with practice to meet the different module learning outcomes, with particular reference to the Applied Professional Practice modules.

Professional practice (fieldwork) is a part of the course.

Professional practice will be assessed in the applicants' own workplace.

In stage 2, semester 2, students will be required to undertake a full time 5-day work placement in a Special Needs setting. The placement site for this mandatory practice is organized by DkIT.

For all applicants, Police/Garda vetting, Hepatitis B vaccination and up-to-date First Aid Certificate will be required as conditions of the course.

Furthermore, students on the programme are subject to fitness to practise regulations.

Applicants for whom English is not their first language must have English level of IELTS 5.5 or equivalent.

How To Apply

This Course is Now Closed For Applications: Please check back in July to see if further places become available. You can register your interest for Late Application using the link below.

Register for late applications

Please review the entry requirements before applying and include a copy of your CV, academic transcripts and employer's letter confirming a minimum 15 hours work per week for the duration of the course and that you have a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience prior to applying.

Ask us a Question

If you have a question about the BA in Applied Early Childhood Studies [Advanced Entry to Year 2 Only] please ask it below and we will get back to you.

Caroline McDonnell

Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies


Disclaimer: All module titles are subject to change and for indicative purposes only. All courses are delivered subject to demand and timetables are subject to change. Elective Module options will only run subject to student numbers. The relevant Department will determine the viability of each elective module option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose that option. Students will be offered alternative elective modules on their programme should their preferred elective option not be proceeding. Award Options for Common Entry Programmes: The relevant Department will determine the viability of each award option proceeding depending on the number of students who choose either option. If the numbers for one of the Award options exceed available places, students for this option will be selected based on Academic Merit (highest grades).