The Centre for Freshwater and Environmental Studies (CFES) is an active and vibrant research centre within the School of Health and Science in DkIT. The CFES engages in inter- and multi-disciplinary research that investigates environmental issues and evaluates effective solutions. The centre is currently involved in a number of large-scale projects that are addressing complex cross-disciplinary issues that have a regional, national, and international focus.
The CFES evolved from the Centre for Freshwater Studies, which was founded in 2005. The first major project undertaken by the centre, the National Source Protection Pilot Project (2005-2010), also commenced in that year. That project explored options for water source protection in the rural Gro
There are nine principle researchers in the CFES, including the director Dr Valerie McCarthy. Other principle researchers include Prof. Eleanor Jennings, Dr Siobhan Jordan, Dr Suzanne Linnane, Dr Valerie McCarthy, Dr Arjan van Rossum, Dr Caroline Gilleran Stephens, Dr Orla She
Research and projects
Research in the Centre falls under three thematic areas: Lake and Catchment Management, Water Development and Communities, and Agri-environmental Management.
Publications from CFES
A list of publications from CFES members for the years 2013-2022
Media Articles on CFES projects
This page gives links to media items featuring staff from the Centre for Freshwater and Environmental Studies.