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Work with Us

The Marketing and Communications team are the overall guardians of the Institute's visual brand. To help ensure that we present DkIT in a consistent manner, we adhere to our brand guidelines which are in the process of being updated. You can download these guidelines, our logos and templates and find information on corporate colours and typefaces in our brand toolkit.

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Communications & PR | WebsiteGraphic DesignEventsAdvertising & Marketing | PhotographyVideography | Social Media

New Ticketing System

We have a new URL for logging webdesk ticket, which you can access by going to

Log a Ticket


Communications & PR

The communications function of the Marketing and Communications Office manages the Institute's reputation by disseminating good news and engaging with the media and the general public.

If your School, Department or Unit has a news story and you would like a Press Release issued, complete a WebDesk Ticket and one of the team will be in touch.


If you have content that is old or out of date, please get in touch by logging a WebDesk Ticket and one of the team will work with you to make the updates. We have developed a range of templates for you to complete and attach to your WebDesk Ticket, which are available on the WebDesk.

If you have any other larger digital project ideas that you would like to get off the ground then please get in touch via a WebDesk Ticket so we can discuss them with you.

Graphic Design

We manage the graphic design and coordinate the design of all central promotional materials within the Institute. Graphic design is time-consuming and must be organised in a coordinated fashion. For all graphic design requests, please raise a ticket via the Marketing WebDesk ticketing system


The Marketing & Communications office can (where possible) provide support for events taking place across the college. 

  • For largescale (Institute, School or Department-wide) events the marketing team can provide event planning support, branding, communications promotional and on-day support.
  • For smaller events, we may be able to support in the promotion of the event and offer advice on branding, social media

If you have an event coming up, please let us know (as soon as possible) by logging a ticket via the Marketing WebDesk. Please note the more notice provided, means the great support we will be able to offer.

Is your event on our Website?

Please ensure your event is captured on our events calendar within the website. This a great way to promote your event and is a point of reference for all attendees. Please log a WebDesk Ticket to add your event.

Advertising & Marketing

The Marketing & Communications Office manages and procures all non-recruitment advertising for DkIT. This includes the placement of adverts in Print, Radio, Outdoor Media, Online, etc. Where Academic Schools, Departments and other units have specific advertising needs the Marketing & Communications team can provide advertising advice and assistance as well as managing creative work and advert placement.

Therefore, it is essential that all academic and business units DkIT contact the Marketing Unit before booking or placing any form of advertising.
In relation to Print Advertising, the National Procurement Service has been awarded a contract to Media Vest. Therefore, it is imperative that the Marketing & Communication Office is contacted.

The following steps should be taken:

  • Raise a ticket via the Marketing Webdesk Ticketing System and outline your advertising requirements
  • Depending on your requirements, the Marketing & Communications Office may deem it necessary to meet with you to discuss options
  • Before the initial email/meeting, it is essential that you know the aims of want you want to achieve, who your target audience is, what your timescale is and agree on the budget is available.
  • Please note that the advertising process can take time so please contact us via WebDesk as soon as you become aware of an advertising need.


Images for Marketing & Promotion:

The Marketing & Communications Unit has a repository of Marketing Images that it uses to promote and present the Institute to external audiences. All images are subject to licences and it is important for the Institute’s brand reputation that images are respected and not over-used or misused. The office is continually building its repository over time.

If you have any specific marketing image requests relating to photography, please raise a ticket via the Marketing Webesk. Please ensure that subjects have completed the DkIT Consent Form to allow us to use their photograph for marketing and promotional purposes.

Images for Press:

For requests related images for press, please raise a ticket via the Marketing Webdesk.

Important Note

Due to limited resources, procuring a professional photographer for press engagement may not always be possible. Strong imagery can be captured by hand and on occasions, the Marketing team can attend and assist with photography. In examining your photography requirements please consult our photography guidelines.


The Marketing & Communication Office manages the creation of all official DkIT video campaigns and initiatives. If you have any requests relating to videography, please raise a ticket via the Marketing Webdesk. To view DkIT’s most recent videography, please visit:

Social Media

The Marketing & Communications Office currently manages all central DkIT channels across the Institute. These include:

For all requests relating to Social Media promotion for specific areas, projects or initiatives, please raise a ticket via the Marketing Webdesk

Get in Touch

We work in partnership with staff and students to raise the Institute's profile and engage in a wide range of events and activities across the markets in which we operate. If you would like to work with us then please log a ticket at the below link and we will follow up to discuss your project.

Log a Ticket