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Work Placement Opportunities for Employers

Overview of Placement

Work placement is a partnership between the student, host organisation and the Institute. Students participate in a structured, supervised and assessed period of work experience relevant to their area of study.

A Best Practice Guide for Employers (PDF Download)

Why take a placement student?

Well, there are many good reasons. Here are just a few.

  • Motivated and enthusiastic undergraduates who are willing and eager to learn
  • Informed and skilled individuals who can make worthwhile contribution to the host organisation
  • Students provide extra resource to start and complete specialised tasks/projects
  • Fresh eyes – students can provide new perspectives and approaches to problems
  • Shaping course design and development - your feedback and participation in the work placement will inform and shape course content and on-going curriculum development
  • Meeting recruitment needs - form of graduate recruitment
  • Access to and part of the DkIT network of associates

What is required of the host organisation?

  • Environment which supports student learning
  • Induction – Health & Safety, work practices and procedures
  • Provide formal supervision
  • Provide on-going feedback and evaluation to student
  • Work supervisor to sign off on key placement documentation
  • Meet with visiting DkIT academic supervisor and student

Additional Information

  • All students sign a DkIT Student Placement Code of Conduct
  • Garda/Police vetting is completed by each student attending placements working with children or vulnerable adults
  • DkIT work placement insurance will be provided for each student who attends placement within Ireland

How are placements arranged?

Securing placement can take many forms including:

  • Matching – a student is matched with approved placement site by DkIT
  • CV Selection – host organisation selects from student CVs
  • Interview based – host organisation selects following formal interview with student

Employer Testimonials

"MCI Dublin’s internship programme has been recognised by our international colleagues, MCI Group, as best practice within the HR function. This notable accolade is due in no small part to the exceptional quality of the students which DKIT has placed with MCI Dublin over the last number of years. In line with both our goals, students become part of a team, work on live files and put their education into practice. The students bring a great energy to our workplace and are rewarded with a clear understanding of what they would like to do in the future.” 

— MCI, Dublin

"Your student's placement was, as ever, a very positive experience for our team. Their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn was a great breath of fresh air. I would have no hesitation in recommending your students for placement in any workplace - in my experience they would be an asset."

— Health Promotion Manager, Louth Hospital Group

"Kate Bowe PR have been working with DkIT Public Relations course since 2009, and have been delighted to have six interns from the course with us over those years.  Without exception these individuals have been conscientious and committed, and an asset to our activities here.  In addition, the DkIT course staff have always been supportive during these placements and a pleasure to work with.  We're looking forward to continuing our relationship with the DkIT placement scheme".

Stephanie Dickenson, Account Manager, Kate Bowe PR, Dublin

"Our programmes have benefited hugely from the participation of student placement. The students bring enthusiasm, energy and up to date knowledge and we in turn provide a wide range of experiences working with people with disabilities by facilitating sports such as: wheelchair basketball, boccia, swimming, archery, badminton and sit-fit. "

— IWA Development Officer, Irish Wheelchair Association