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We are in the process of migrating the DkIT Academic Policies and Procedures to the new website so there may be some duplication of documents during this process. If you have any questions about Academic Policies please contact [email protected].
Policy on the Design and Approval of Programmes

- Policy on the Design and Approval of Programmes
- Guidelines for the Design of Part-Time Programmes
Assessment and Learning

Assessment ‘…shapes the experience of students and influences their behaviour more than the teaching they receive’ (Bloxham & Boyd, 2007, p. 3).
It has the potential to significantly enhance learning.
Bullying and Harassment Policy

Dundalk Institute of Technology and all staff/student unions fully subscribe to this Policy and are committed to creating an environment within the Institute that is free of bullying and harassment and which promotes personal integrity and dignity.
Continuous Assessment Policy and Procedures

Continuous Assessment Procedures
Garda / Police Vetting Policy

Garda / Police Vetting is a pre-requisite for attending placement on certain programmes of study at DkIT. In these cases the students must adhere fully to the Garda Vetting process. Approval from DkIT to attend placement is subject to outcome of the Garda Vetting process.
President's Prizes for Conferring

President's Prizes for Conferring
Quality Manual

For the latest DkIT Quality Manual please visit
Monitoring of Programmes Policy

For the latest Monitoring of Programmes Policy and Template please visit