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Primary School Engineering Activities

We believe that you can never be too young to develop a passion for Engineering! We have a number of on-site events and are happy to visit you in your school. All our primary-level activities are hands-on and fun!

1. Engineer School Visit

Subject Areas: Maths, Construction, Science, Energy and Forces, Light, Electricity, Magnetism, Green Flag

Duration Location Workshop/Talk Organiser When Who this is for?
1 - 2 Hours

In Schools

Gareth Kelly

Year Round

All primary school classes

Book a visit from an engineer to give a talk or workshop to your class. It could be part of maths or engineer’s week; it could be to assist with a green flag application or it could be just as something different for your students.

We have workshops on magnetism, bridge building, electrical circuits, wind turbines, water treatment, or why not contact us and we can build a workshop around your needs for the Maths and Science subjects, with a focus on a specific strand, as outlined on the NCCA Curriculum planning tool.

We will do our best to create an innovative and fun workshop for your students that supplements the STEM teaching already happening. 

Book an Engineer School Visit

2. Online Bridge Design Competition

Subject Areas: Maths, Construction, Science, Energy and Forces, Data and Chance, Materials, Critical thinking, Creativity, Complex problem-solving.

Duration Location Workshop/Talk Organiser Who this is for?
1 - 2 Hours

In School

Gareth Kelly

5th and 6th class students

DkIT Bridge Designer powered by All-Island Fund is a competition run for 5th and 6th students to design their own bridges using advanced software.

Students create their own unique bridges, test them and then refine their design to create the most cost-effective solution.

This workshop dovetails with the new maths curriculum outcomes developing critical thinking, creativity, complex problem solving and experiential hands-on learning.

How it Works

Students download the software from the DkIT Engineering website, watch the instructional videos or invite a lecturer in to demonstrate the software.

See more about DkIT Bridge Designer Software

Book Lecturer to Demonstrate the Software

3. Engineer’s Ireland North East STEM Table Quiz

Subject Areas: Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths

Duration Location Workshop/Talk Organiser When Who this is for?
2 Hours

Qualifiers take place regionally and the final is at DkIT

Gareth Kelly

Qualifiers in February, Final in early March.

5th and 6th class students

A table quiz to find the brightest and best STEM quiz team in the northeast.

5th and 6th class students compete in teams of 4 in a regional qualifier to make it to the finals in DKIT during Engineers Week. The winners will receive the coveted Engineer’s Ireland North East STEM quiz trophy.

Request More Information

4. K’nex Building Challenge

Subject Areas: Maths, Construction, Science, Energy and Forces, Materials

Duration Location Workshop/Talk Organiser When Who this is for?
1 - 2 Hours

In Schools

Gareth Kelly

Year Round

2nd to 6th class students

Book a visit from an engineer to give a talk on the work that engineers do, followed by a K’nex building challenge where students will be asked to build bridges, towers, working vehicles, robotic arms or a host of different possibilities.

The engineers help the students come up with the best design possible and then test their work. This is a workshop that stretches the student's critical thinking, creativity, group work and problem-solving.

Suitable for a wide range of class groups as older class groups are asked to build more complex structures.

Book K’nex Building Challenge

Other Primary School Activities

STEPS Engineering Week at DkIT

STEPS Engineering Week at DkIT

Duration Location Workshop/Talk Organiser Who this is for?
1 Week

Multiple Locations

Gareth Kelly

All primary school classes

STEPS Engineering Week at DkIT is a week-long engineering festival to engage people of all ages to experience the impact of engineering.

DkIT host a range of events catering for different learners. There are school visits, women in engineering workshops, North East primary schools STEM quiz and the Engineers Ireland roadshow.

A schedule of events is posted in January with sign-up details.

Visit Engineers Ireland Website

STEPS Young Engineers Award

STEPS Young Engineers Award

Duration Location Workshop/Talk Organiser Who this is for?
1 Week

In Schools, September to December

Gareth Kelly

3rd and 4th Class

The STEPS Young Engineers Award competition is run by Engineers Ireland and encourages 3rd and 4th class pupils and their teachers to explore the world of engineering by developing an engineering project that would help improve their local community.

Engineers will visit the students, assist them in completing their designs, refining them, filling in their log books and making their prototypes.

Visit Engineers Ireland Website

Expression of Interest Form

Complete the form below to express your interest in our workshops. Upon receipt of the form, the workshop organiser will contact you. Workshops are subject to availability, we will make every effort to facilitate your request.

We regret that we may be unable to accommodate schools outreach outside our region (Louth, Meath, Cavan, Monaghan, North Dublin, Down, Armagh) and advise schools to contact their local higher education providers.

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