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N-TUTORR Updates December 2024

19 December 2024

DkIT N-TUTORR Student Champion led Sustainability event

On December 2nd, our five DkIT N-TUTORR Sustainability Champions organised and hosted an event to outline both the impact and breadth of their work in recent months.  A key focus was on the outcome of an all-of-institution sustainability survey, which they were involved in designing and rolling out.  Many thanks to Angela Magennis and Christian Maas for supporting the sustainability champions with their work.

"Shaping the Future of Irish Higher Education”: Senior leader session in ATU Castlebar

Hosted by ATU, a senior leader session took place to explore and consider the future of Higher Education in our sector. Facilitated by N-TUTORR, THEA and AdvanceHE, this session brought together senior leaders from across the TU/IoT sector, including five Presidents.  Attending from DkIT were Dr. Diarmuid O’Callaghan, Dr. Edel Healy, Dr. Moira Maguire and Dr. Ronan Bree.

DkIT N-TUTORR Fellowship project celebrates milestone in mentoring work

As one of the many N-TUTORR DkIT fellowship projects, Dr. Sinead Loughran (Project lead), Annmarie McHugh and Catherine Staunton hosted an event in our Whitaker theatre to mark the completion of their project.  Here, a mentoring programme was developed to support current DkIT science students, whereby they are being guided and mentored by DkIT alumni who now have key roles in regional industries.  A wonderful event marking a programme that has already had a significant impact on all involved. Congratulations to every stakeholder associated with this project - and of course, thanks to our former students for returning to support their Institution.

ASIAM Training as part of N-TUTORR Fellowship Project

Dr. Martin McHugh (Fellowship project lead) hosted an ASIAM training session with staff from the School of ICA.  This session was well attended, and provides a platform for staff to continue supporting their students on their learning journeys in DkIT.

The 21st and final N-TUTORR steering board meeting took place in IADT

The most recent Programme Steering Board took place in mid-December on the IADT campus, marking the final meeting of this project team. The team has been meeting monthly across the various campuses to review, support and plan N-TUTORR activities.  Representing DkIT on the PSB has been Dr. Moira Maguire and Dr. Ronan Bree.

N-TUTORR at the HEA and National Forum Teaching and Learning conference

On Dec 12th, the HEA and the National Forum hosted a 1-day conference for the Higher Education sector on Teaching and Learning with several DkIT staff in attendance. N-TUTORR was evident across many aspects of the event, with the project’s National Coordinator Dr. Sharon Flynn presenting as part of the day.

Thank you

As the N-TUTORR project draws to a close, the N-TUTORR team in DkIT would like to thank and acknowledge the campus-wide support, encouragement and kindness we were all shown by staff the students. In particular, thanks to the numerous functional areas in the college who provided ongoing support throughout. This project represented a significant investment for DkIT, and the TU/IoT sector.  In 2025, we look forward to further highlighting the impact and opportunities associated with what has been put in place via N-TUTORR.  What has really shone through in DkIT has been the scale of engagement, and that is down to each and every one of you on campus – thank you all. Locally the project reached 99% of our staff, and 60% of our students. Enclosed is a short video that demonstrates the breadth of N-TUTORR activities and impact of DkIT staff and students. 

Thanks to all, from the DkIT N-TUTORR team.

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