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Launch of the 2020 DkIT Elevate Awards

07 February 2020

DkIT Elevate Awards

DkIT is delighted to launch the DkIT Elevate Awards — to celebrate the impact of student engagement on college life and employability!

The aims of the new DkIT Elevate Awards is to recognise and celebrate these contributions and to help students to recognise and evidence the skills they have developed through this engagement, elevating employability.

Students who have contributed significantly in roles like student ambassadors, clubs and societies officers and in discipline-specific projects, and can demonstrate the skills developed, are encouraged to apply for the award.

How to be Considered for the DkIT Elevate Award?

    • Step 1: Complete a minimum of 45 hours of eligible engagement activity* over the past 3 academic years.
    • Step 2: Submit a CV and an elevator pitch that evidence the skills.

Now Accepting Applications for the 2020 Elevate Award

We are now accepting applications for the 2020 Elevate Awards. The closing date to submit the CV and Elevator pitch is Friday 20th March 2020 at 5 pm.

Hot to Apply


For all questions or for further information please contact either Moira Maguire at or Catherine Staunton at

All engagement activity hours must be completed by the end of March 2020. Hours will only be verified after the CV + Elevator Pitch is submitted.

This award was developed by students and staff for students, as part of Partners in Employability project, funded under the National Forum's 2019 Enhancement Fund @National Forum T&L.