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DkIT Students’ Union launches ‘Ask for Angela’ Campaign

17 December 2024

Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) in collaboration with its Students’ Union has recently partnered with An Garda Síochána and the Vintners Federation of Ireland (VFI) to launch the ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign in venues where DkIT students socialise.

The ‘Ask for Angela’ initiative aims to support anyone on the premises of a bar or club that is utilised by the Students’ Union for events, who is experiencing inappropriate behaviour from another patron. You can go up to a member of staff and “Ask for Angela.” This subtle code lets staff know if a person is feeling uncomfortable and needs a way to get out of the situation. The staff member will discreetly help the person to find the best way to deal with the situation. Participating premises will have ‘Ask for Angela’ posters displayed, and management and staff will be briefed on how to help safeguard patrons.

Holly Lambe Sally, Students’ Union President, said:

“We are thrilled to support this key initiative for our student community. I am confident that this initiative will see safer nightlife for our students and the wider community. On behalf of DKITSU I would like to thank everyone who played a part in making this possible in particular our partners An Garda Síochána and the local members of Vintners Federation of Ireland (VFI).”

Michael Finegan, Vintners Federation of Ireland (VFI) said:

On behalf of the Louth County members and the Vintners Federation of Ireland, we are delighted to fully support and endorse the ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign. We want to ensure that all our customers feel welcome, safe & supported on our licensed premises. All our staff are trained and alert to be of assistance should the need arise. And especially now as we come into the busy time of Christmas celebrations It’s important that we are all aware of this campaign.”

Community Garda, Darragh Prior said:

Young people are a focal point in our approach to enhancing public safety, especially as part of the night-time economy. We are thrilled to be working together with DkIT’s Students’ Union on this ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign which will further strengthen our focus on students and young people’s safety in our community.”

The following establishments have been selected to take part in this initiative: Mo Chara, The Rum House, The Imperial Hotel, McArdles - The Big House, Courtneys, Brubakers, Russells, The Vinegar Mans, The Bar Tender, Toales, The Spirit Store and The Malt House. It is wonderful to have such amazing local collaboration for this initiative.

If you are a licensed premises and would like to participate in this initiative and need posters/stickers for your establishment please email, we’d love to hear from you.


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