DkIT Showcases Best Practice at National Y1 Feedback Symposium
28 February 2017DkIT was well represented at the Y1Feedback Symposium in Maynooth University held on 27th January. Lecturers and librarians presented case studies of technology-enabled feedback approaches for first year and many more staff and MA Learning & Teaching students attended.
The event was organised as part of the Y1Feedback project, a collaborative project led by Maynooth University with partners Athlone Institute of Technology, Dublin City University and Dundalk Institute of Technology. The Symposium showcased the work undertaken in each of the participating institutions as part of the project and provided an interactive forum to explore, discuss and share approaches to enhancing feedback for first year.
The programme included a number of keynote addresses from international experts on assessment and feedback: Professor David Carless, University of Hong Kong, Professor Tansy Jessop, Southampton Solent University, Professor David Nicol, University of Strathclyde and Dr. Naomi Winstone, University of Surrey.
Dr Patricia Moriarty, Vice President Academic Affairs and Registrar at DKIT participated in a panel discussion on sustaining and further developing the work to enhance feedback in the first year. She discussed the positive impact and influence that the project has had on feedback practices at at DkIT.
Dr. Moira Maguire, Head of Learning and Teaching at DkIT, said:
“It was fantastic to have so many DkIT staff participate in the Y1 Feedback Project and to showcase their innovative approaches to enhance the feedback process for first year students. DkIT’s involvement in Y1 Feedback Project directly aligns with the Institute’s commitment to fostering a learner-centred environment and to use technology to explore new ways to enrich the learning experience.”
Below you can view some of the case studies of technology-enabled feedback approaches for first year that were presented by DkIT’s ‘Feedback Champions’ at the Symposium:
Formative and Summative Feedback using Moodle Marking Guide: Conor McKevitt, Centre for Learning and Teaching, DkIT. Read full case study here.
Using Screencasting to Close the Feedback Loop: David Cranny, School of Business and Humanities, DkIT. Read full case study here.
Using Automated Feedback to Consolidate Lectures: Dr. Peadar Grant, School of Informatics & Creative Arts. Read full case study here.
Using Turnitin To Provide Timely Feedback To First Year Nursing Students On Clinical Placement: Ann Everitt-Reynolds and Ailish Mc Ardle, School of Health & Science, DkIT. Read full case study here.
Prizing Improvement: The Information Literacy Prize For Best Use Of Feedback: Ann Cleary, Lorna O’Connor and Jamie Ward, DkIT Library; Brid Delahunt, School of Health & Science; Moira Maguire and Conor McKevitt (CELT), DkIT. Read full case study here.
ABOUT Y1Feedback Project:
The Supporting Transition: Enhancing Feedback in First Year Using Digital Technologies or Y1Feedback project was funded by Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning as part of the Teaching and Learning Enhancement 2014 fund (Building Digital Capacity in Irish Higher Education). See
The Y1Feedback project is a collaborative project between Maynooth University (Project lead), Athlone Institute of Technology, Dublin City University and Dundalk Institute of Technology.