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DkIT EnviroSoc presents EnviroTalks

02 February 2017

Wednesdays 6-8pm, Whitaker Theatre

The Environmental Society at DkIT are organising a series of Wednesday evening talks this semester. The theme of the series is 'Engage, englighten, empower' and seeks to inform the wider college community of issues related to our environment. The talks will be held each Wednesday from 6-8pm in the Whitaker Theatre. EnviroSoc are extending the invitation to attend to other similar groups around Dundalk and will be advertising the event in the town. 

The first talk was delivered by Tadhg Moore, PhD student at DkIT and chairperson of EnviroSoc on Wednesday 1st February. Tadhg introduced the concept of "The Circular Economy". Other talks will be given by college lecturers and students and some special guest speakers on topics ranging from "Benefits of Bees", "Universal Basic Income", "Zero Waste", "Glaciers and Climate Change", "Community Supported Agriculture", "Conscious Consumerism", "Transition Towns".


Talks in the series will appeal to students from many disciplines: environmental science, business, the built environment, engineering, sustainable agriculture, community work, science, social care, the creative arts to mention but a few. Keep an eye out for posters and do come along to at least one of the evenings!

DkIT Envirosoc run a package-less food coop. For more information on this, speak to the EnviroSoc members at the Wednesday Evening EnviroTalks or email