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DkIT Engineering a Bright Future with Primary School Children

15 March 2024

Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) was recently a hive of excitement as lecturers brought the magic of engineering by roadshow to local schools for Engineers Week. The Institute also welcomed over 600 primary school children on campus for a ‘Scientific Sue’ interactive show as part of their Engineers Week celebrations.

Engineers Week is a national roll out of all things engineering and has been created to introduce primary and secondary school children to the diverse world of engineering. 

The busy week started on Monday with workshops by Sinead Kelly, lecturer in Mechanical Engineering who visited Kilkerly National School to give a wind turbine workshop. On Tuesday Gareth Kelly, lecturer in Civil Engineering took the DkIT Bridge Designer workshop to primary schools and Tuesday also saw Brendan Walsh, lecturer in Civil Engineering visit St Patricks and St Brigit’s primary school in Drogheda to talk about the work of engineers. On Wednesday DkIT hosted Engineers Ireland Northeast Region STEM quiz grand final on campus, where 13 teams from Cavan, Monaghan and Louth competed to be crowned the champion STEM Quiz team. St Joseph’s National School Dundalk walked away proudly with 1st prize on the day.

The grand finale of the week was Scientific Sue who took to the stage of the Whitaker and held 3 sessions catering to over 600 students. Scientific Sue hosted a Magical Science & Engineering Show aimed at stimulating curiosity and imagination within the students so that they ultimately left the show wanting to embark on the many problem-solving and design tasks set by Scientific Sue. The show was fast-paced, energetic and used lots of enthusatic volunteers. With much excitement children from St Mary's NS Knockbridge, Scoil Mhuire gan Smál, Kilkerley, Scoil Naomh Buithe Tenure, Aston Village ETNS, St. Francis NS Blackrock, St. Oliver's NS Drogheda, Marymount NS Drogheda, Scoil Mhuire na Trócaire Ardee, Scoil Phadraig Naofa Kilcurry, St Mochta's NS, Louth Village, CBS Dundalk, Redeemer Girls Schools and Tallenstown NS. attended this electrifying and fun filled show.

Scientific Sue is a graduate of Queen’s University, Belfast. She taught Physics, Chemistry and Drama for 10 years, in 2004 Sue was made a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (IoP) in recognition of her accomplishments and the impact she made in her sector. Sue has also worked with Stopwatch Television, TVam and RTE as a science consultant, TV guest plus appearing in 13 episodes of her own ‘Scientific Sue’s Wonder

Scientific Sue’s show in DkIT was part of STEPS Engineers Week which was rolled out with the aim of promoting engineering and the importance of the profession in Ireland. This annual event is coordinated on a national basis by Engineers Ireland’s STEPS programme - funded by the Department of Education and Skills and industry leaders ARUP, ESB, Intel and TII.


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