The aim of a Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) is to contribute to the scientific objectives of a COST Action. These missions (Exchange Visits) are aimed at strengthening the existing networks by allowing scientists to go to an institution or laboratory in another COST country to foster collaboration, to learn a new technique or to take measurements using instruments and/or methods not available in their own institution/laboratory. They are particularly intended for early stage researchers and post-graduate students, but are also open to other participants.
NETLAKE STSM Committee: Bas Ibelings (CH), Rita Adrian (DE), Quique Moreno Ostos (ES), and Peter Staehr (DK).
Our NETLAKE STSMs for 2013
NETLAKE funded eight STSM grants in 2013. Many thanks to the STSM committee for all their work on this, and to the host institutes who participated. In addition, we also recieved funding for one Reciprocal STSM from COST.
Our NETLAKE STSMs for 2014
NETLAKE funded six STSM grants in 2014. Many thanks to the STSM committee for all their work on this, and to the host institutes who participated. Details on these missions is provided below.
Our NETLAKE STSMs for 2015
NETLAKE funded five STSM grants in 2015. Many thanks to the STSM committee for all their work on this, and to the host institutes who participated. Details on these missions is provided below.
Training Schools
Training Schools in COST Actions are aimed at widening the knowledge of the Action activities, providing intensive training on a new and emerging subject and offering familiarisation with unique equipment or know-how in one of the laboratories of the Action.