Meetings >> Dundalk, Ireland, 13-14 February 2013

Dundalk, Ireland, 13-14 February 2013

1st NETLAKE Working Group meeting and Management Committee meeting

The first NETLAKE scientific meeting was held in Dundalk, Ireland, 13-14 February 2013.  This meeting allowed NETLAKE members meet to develop collaborations, discuss new technologies and research questions and exchange data. The meeting, which was opened by Mr Denis Cummins, president of Dundalk Institute of Technology, was attended by over 40 delegates from 21 countries.  The meeting started with a Management Committee meeting on 13th February.  During this MC meeting the Chair gave an update on progress since the kick-off meeting in Brussels in October 2012.  This was followed by presentations on the work plan of the four scientific Working Groups, which included open discussion sessions to prepare for Day 2.  The meeting was also addressed by Dr Kathleen Weathers (US) who attended as an invited expert on citizen science projects and public outreach, the focus of Working Group 3. In addition, a poster display of NETLAKE sites was held on Day 1, enabling participants to learn about the application of sensor technology at other sites.  Meetings were also held by the Early Stage Researchers group, Working Group 5 (dissemination) and the STSM coordination group.

The Working Groups convened again on Day 2 (14th February) and continued planning their work for the coming year.  Day 2 concluded with summaries from all Working Groups and from other groups who had met during the meeting, and group discussions.  On Day 3 of the meeting a one-day forum on the use of sensors in lake science was held entitled ‘Getting under the surface: using sensors to gain insights into lake science. The day included a research seminar for selected presentations from both Irish and NETLAKE researchers, targeted particularly at early stage researchers. There was also be a networking session on developing collaborative projects in lake sensor science in Ireland the afternoon.


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