Music Research

Music Research

The Department of Creative Arts, Media and Music offers research degrees in music at both MSc/MA and PhD levels. Research has been at the core of our activities since music was established in DkIT in 2003 and underpins the academic work of Ceol Orighialla. Music was granted Research Centre status in 2009 following a rigorous external research assessment and Ionad Taighde Ceoil was instituted. 'In 2016 a new Centre for Creative Arts Research was inaugurated that broadened the scope of research in the Centre and reflected the excellence diversity of research in this area at DkIT. The Centre promotes new and emerging areas of research and welcomes multidisciplinary approaches. We have a vibrant body of postgraduate students carrying out research at both Masters and PhD over a wide spectrum of research topics. The Centre hosts bi-annual Research Colloquia at which both staff and students present and through the Institute’s Summer Undergraduate Research Programme has encouraged emerging undergraduate researchers to become involved in research and develop their skills and expertise.

Academic staff members of the Centre for Creative Arts Research, are leading figures in their fields of music, and their association with DkIT places the Institute in the mainstream of initiative and investigation of music in Ireland. A range of projects have been completed and others are in progress. Details of these projects are given below.

An Foras Feasa

An Foras Feasa

An Foras Feasa, the Institute for Research in Irish Historical and Cultural Traditions is a consortium of four partner institutions: NUI Maynooth, St Patrick’s College Drumcondra, Dundalk Institute of Technology and Dublin City University.


The study of musicology introduces students to the fundamental principles of research in music and allows them to develop a variety of skills and approaches that they can apply to a range of research topics.


Composition studies involve the exploration of advanced composition techniques and the acquisition of the analytical and critical skills necessary for self-evaluation and the development of the student’s individual voice and style.