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Red Weather Warning: Please be advised that the DkIT Campus will be closed this Friday, 24th January 2025. Read More.

Support for Teaching

The role of the Library in DkIT is to encourage, facilitate and enable learning, teaching and research. We endeavour to source, acquire and preserve information that is relevant to current research and Institute programmes.

Click on a link below for more information, or contact your Subject Support Team with any queries you have about the Library's services or resources.

Collection Development

Visit our Collections and Databases section for information about the material we currently hold. We provide a range of services through which you might access material from another library. You might also wish to recommend an item for the Library to purchase.

Recommending Material for Purchase

Teaching and research staff are encouraged to actively participate in the Library's Collection Development.  When you are preparing a new module or programme let us know so that we can help you to identify up-to-date and relevant sources of information.

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Research and Information Skills Training

The Library information skills programme is regularly updated and accessible to all DkIT Schools. Our information skills classes incorporate the pedagogical principles of Threshold Concepts for libraries as developed by the ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries), which we have tailored for our own student body. Learning activities include site visits, in-class sessions and group-based practicals and workshops. 

View Types of Library Training

Teaching, Publishing and Research Resources

The Library collection includes many texts that can help with your teaching, ranging from pedagogical approaches to practical guides and manuals.

View Resources

Library Support: Contact Us

The Library has dedicated support teams to help you make the most of our services and resources. Please feel free to contact our liaison staff for assistance.

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