Sports & Societies
Why do you need a Committee?
An effective club begins with an effective, co-operative, and hardworking committee.It is therefore imperative that people that are keen and willing to take on some responsibility fill the positions on a committee. Growth and development do not happen by accident. It is important to set goals and devise appropriate plans to achieve them. Putting the proper club structures in place and harnessing the varied talents of a large number of people help in this respect.]
What is a Committee?A Committee is a group of people who enjoy their sport or activity so much that they got themselves elected to run the Club or Society that they're involved in! A Committee has been defined as ‘A body of people meeting round a table to take decisions for joint action on behalf of some other (larger?) body of people’.
Committees exist to:- Collate ideas
- Promote certain objectives
- Shelve ideas
They are supposed to be valuable and some people find them enjoyable. Remember, though, that it's the group that is achieving - the Committee officers are merely there to facilitate the group's activities (you're elected to represent your membership!).
Please see attached the Roles and Responsibilies of each committee member. If you have any further questions regarding this, please contact the Sports & Societies Office. -
Why do you need a Constitution?
It may sound foolish, stuffy and absurd to have people ranting and raving about the Constitution and its implications but make no mistake this is a vital component of any and all Clubs and Societies. A Constitution is effectively your term of reference and the rules and regulations on how to administer your club or society. If you find yourself in the position of committee member, this is your bible on how to run your club or society as voted by the members prior to your appointment.
The following exaggerated hypothetical situation may serve to emphasise its importance:
The Law Society is having a formal in Dublin. Emotions are high after a great formal night in which a lot of alcohol has been consumed but before the night is over a fight breaks out and a mirror is broken in the toilets of the hotel. The next day the Hotel manager contacts you regarding the accident from the night before. Incidentally the Hotel is involved in a lucrative sponsorship deal with the College and is threatening to pull out of the deal unless the issue is dealt with immediately and satisfactorily. Unfortunately for you as the Society Chairperson, the member involved in the accident is your best friend.
What do you do?
(a) Reprimand the member in your capacity as the Society President, and lose your best friend?
(b) Tell the Hotel manager to get stuffed and the College loses the sponsorship money?
If you have a good comprehensive Constitution in place as voted by the members in which case it is clearly laid out how to deal with disciplinary measures, you implement those policies as the Society President. Therefore, the decision to suspend or expel the member is not your own ‘personal judgement’ but a term of reference, laid out in print that you inherited by taking office at the start of the year, as voted by the members for which it is your responsibility to represent the best interests of the University’s Law Society.The College sponsorship is saved, your best friend should understand as should all other members of the Society, so you will still have some friends (if you had any at the start).
The Constitution will only be appreciated in times of conflict of interest, by which time it will be too late if it is inadequate to deal with the situation at hand. If carefully thought out and re-assessed each year, voted upon by the members, implemented and discussed with all members at least once a year, there will be no excuses as all members will be educated on its content and how it works.
Please see attached a sample Constitution of which you can use as a template when establishing your own club/society
How to set up a club or society?
If you find that there are no club/society in Dundalk IT that caters for your interest, then why not set up your own club or society. To ensure a successful club, a focus on both efficient organisation and the importance of fun and enjoyment is necessary. Please see below guidelines on how to set-up a club/society.
Remember the following criteria:- There must be at least 8 or more signatures in support of an application. (Student ID numbers have to accompany the signatures for verification purposes. Signatories must be by full time students of DKIT.)
- A constitution and statement of aims must be produced and be deemed satisfactory. It must be democratic and have proper financial controls.
- The principal aims of the society must not already be covered in the aims of any recognised society or capitated body or group thereof.
- It must satisfy the Sports and Service Officer that the Club or Society is likely to make a long-term contribution to student life in DkIT and to continue on an on-going basis.
Once recognition has been granted, a meeting should be arranged between the Club or Society and the Sports and Societies Officer to discuss the running of the Club / Society and what you need to do now that you are recognised.
If you are granted recognition, you will immediately be entitled to the various facilities that DkIT offers its Clubs and Societies. However you may not be eligible to apply for funding depending on the time of year, funds available etc. The maximum grant available for a club or society in their first year is €200.You will also be able to incorporate the words “Dundalk Institute of Technology” in the clubs / Societies title.
An application for recognition usually takes about two months to process.For information on how to set up a Club/Society, please see the attached document.
How can I join a club or society?
Each Academic Year, the Sports & Societies Office hosts the Annual Sports & Societies Sign Up Day, which is usually held in Freshers Week in September each year, in the Multi-Purpose Centre (MPC). Each Club/ Society will have a stand on display with details of training/meetings and information of all the activities of the Club/Society. This is your opportunity to chat to existing members about what the club has to offer and to sign up for FREE!
During Term
If you miss the Annual Sign-Up Day, just pop into the Sports & Societies Office, which is based in the Student Services Centre in the Faulkner Building for information on all the Clubs/Societies – including meeting and training times. The Sports and Societies Office will also organise a Mini-Sign Up Day at the start of the second semester in order to give new or existing students the opportunity to enrol on the various clubs and societies on offer at DkIT.
A timetable for all Sports Clubs can also be viewed on this page . Alternatively pick up a Sports & Societies booklet from the Student Services Centre for information on all the Clubs & Societies, events and extra-curricular activities that Dundalk IT have to offer."