1st Year students will be required to register online after you receive your registration pack. Registration timetables will be available in due course. More details about 1st Year Registration.
Continuing students please note that you will be requested to register online from Wednesday 21st August 2024. Further details for continuing students
You may be Temporarily Registered (TR) if your grant is being renewed and you are awaiting the renewal letter from the granting body. You may also be Temporarily Registered if you have applied for a grant due to a change in circumstances since last year.
Student Finance NI loan recipients must submit the Student Contribution Loan Entitlement 2024/25 letter to the Admissions Office (room W147, TK Whitaker Building) as soon as possible but no later than 31st October, 2024.
Information on financial support for students from Northern Ireland is available by visiting www.studentfinanceni.co.uk
No. You must complete your own registration.
A Temporary Registration (TR) may be given to a student in certain circumstances where the student has fees outstanding, or is awaiting a decision on a grant application.
Full registration will be granted on payment of all outstanding fees or furnishing the Academic Administration Office with a grant awarding letter. Please note that students who are temporarily registered have full access to all normal student facilities.
1st Years: You may change course during the first few weeks of term only and to those programmes that have available places.
You should apply for an available place through the CAO – you must meet the minimum entry requirements, and there may be competition for places. Students are also advised to consult with our Careers Service before deciding on any change of programme.
You will be able to complete your registration online for the academic year 2024/2025. If in doubt, contact the Academic Administration Office at (042) 9370230.
Details of registration will be sent to you by email as soon as possible after the issue of repeat examination results. In the meantime, and with the prior approval of your Head of Dept., you may attend classes.
You will be able to complete your registration online. If in doubt, contact the Academic Administration Office at registration@dkit.ie
1st year students will be able to collect their student cards at induction provided they have registered online and paid their facilities fee.
Continuing students may continue to use the student card issued to them at the start of their programme.
All fees quoted are annual fees, as set by the Department of Education and Skills.
The Student Contribution Fee is set by the Department of Education & Skills and is currently €3,000 per year.
This may be subject to change.
All students are charged the Student Contribution Fee. Those students in receipt of grant assistance may have their Student Contribution Fee paid for them by the grant awarding authority. Since 2010, students may not avail of both the BTEA and a maintenance grant. However, students who opt to avail of the BTEA may also apply to SUSI to have their Student Contribution Fee paid.
Students who are awarded the BTEA and have not applied for a grant must pay the Student Contribution Fee.
All research students are required to register online at the start of each academic year. The Academic Administration Office, upon receipt of the list of current research students, will send you your registration pack and notify you of the registration date.
Eligibility for the free fees scheme is subject to certain criteria, for more information visit: http://www.studentfinance.ie/mp9377/course-fees/index.html
If you are not eligible for the free fees scheme, you will be charged both Tuition Fee and the Student Contribution Fee.
Students who are repeating and attending a stage of a programme, or who have previously attended a 3rd level programme may not be eligible for free fees – details are available from the Admissions Officer.
DKIT’s Fees Policy is to collect half fees at registration and the remainder prior to commencement of the second semester. Students should familiarise themselves with the procedures for collection of fees, which is available at the following here.
Undergraduate students who notify the Institute that they have withdrawn from their programme on or before 31st October may have their fees refunded in full.
A student who withdraws on or before the 31st January may have half their fees refunded, provided the full fee has been paid.
A Withdrawal Form must be completed and submitted to obtain a refund. This can be found at https://www.dkit.ie/student-life/student-services/talk-before-you-walk/withdrawing-from-your-programme.html
The Free Fees Initiative applies to Nursing/Midwifery programmes also, subject to eligibility. For eligibility information please visit the Free Fees Initiative page on the HEA website.
Students not eligible for the Free Fees Initiative will be charged €7,231 per year, which includes the tuition, contribution and facilities fees.
The DKIT fees policy is to collect the facilities fee plus 50% of other fees due at registration and the balance no later than 31st January of the academic year.
Details on grant payments and the maintenance grant schedule are available here.
Details on grants are available at the following links:
1st year students will be able to collect their student cards at induction provided they have registered online and paid their facilities fee.
Continuing students may continue to use the student card issued to them at the start of their programme.
Details on accommodation are available from the Students’ Union Office and SU website.
Details on Examination results are available at
The repeat and attend option is subject to availability of places. You should contact your Head of Department and complete a Repeat & Attending Admission Form with them.
Fees are charged on a per-credit basis.
Further information can be found at https://www.dkit.ie/about-dkit/professional-services/admissions/forms-and-documents/current-dkit-students/repeat-student-admission-form.pdf
You can generate and print a Statement of Fees in your online student account. Click Account Information and Print.
Select the type of statement you want and click print.
Forms may be stamped by any one of the following offices:
You need to be registered and have your Student ID Card for identification purposes with you before Institute staff can stamp your form.
You can apply to the Student Information Desk in the main reception of the TK Whitaker building for a Certificate of Attendance.
Please make sure you are registered and have a student card when making your request.
Registered students may apply for assistance from the Students’ Assistance Fund. Application forms are available from the Student Services Office.
Yes, you should complete a Change of Address form in the Academic Administration Office as soon as possible.
If you have received an offer from the CAO and wish to defer the offer, please do not accept the offer.
Instead, please complete a CAO Deferral Form (available at https://www.dkit.ie/about-dkit/professional-services/admissions/cao-offers.html) which must be received by DkIT Academic Administration Office before the CAO offer reply closing date (as published on www.cao.ie).
Registered students may apply for a deferral of their course by completing a Deferral Application Form with their Head of Dept.
Students who are granted a deferral will be guaranteed their place, subject to the programme running in the following year.
Class Timetables will be made available in September.
Examination Timetables are available at www.dkit.ie/examinations-office/examination-timetables
You may get a replacement student card in the Academic Administration Office. An administration fee of €10 will apply for this service.
Please contact the IT Helpdesk at helpdesk@dkit.ie for password changes and assistance with all IT issues
You may have a Service Withheld hold on your account. If you have unpaid fees after the payment deadlines have passed the Academic Administration Office may have placed a hold on your account.
You will not be able to access Moodle or group emails. You would have received an email advising you of your outstanding fees and the placing of the hold so please check your student email account. A hold can only be lifted when the outstanding fees have been paid in full.
If your country of birth was outside the EU you will be charged international fees until you provide appropriate documentation to prove both identity and residency within an EU country for 3 out of the last 5 years. You would have received an email about this after accepting your place in DKIT. The email would have been sent to the email address with which you applied to the CAO.
If you do not submit sufficient supporting documentation to prove your eligibility for EU fees, you will remain on the international fee rate for the duration of your programme in DKIT.
All students must register at the start of each academic year. If you are not registered, you will be excluded from class lists and emails and Moodle access.
Full-time students will not be able to access any students services, such as healthcare or the gym if they are not registered.