Isabel Nolan

Isabel Nolan’s work is conceived as a means of acting, of making a new thing in the form of images, texts and objects that have an overt message but whose very raisond'être is to assert the value of, and complexity involved in describing subjectivity. She makes works that are narrative driven: animations and wall hangings that represent times of tension, hope and anxiety; drawings that describe both empathy and distance.

Other works, such as her paintings and recent sculptures are themselves tense; inscrutable but evocative; intimate and inviting but with no obvious inherent significance. Though there are frequent shifts in tone, between coldness, bemusement, melancholia and yearning, a point of entry common to much of Nolan’s work is its recognition of our seemingly implacable compulsion to define our situation and our relationships with others, our desire to understand ‘everything’ from our inner lives to the natural world.-

Isabel Nolan