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Updating Your Profile on the DkIT Staff Directory

Learn about the information displayed on your DkIT staff directory profile and how you can update your profile.

The staff directory of the Institute provides a searchable, single location where the contact details and related information for staff can be accessed. Staff are organised into groups corresponding to DkIT's organisational structure.

The content published on staff pages must not include material which is offensive, threatening, defamatory, or illegal. DkIT reserves the right to remove staff profiles that are in breach of these terms.

Do I have a profile?

All full-time and pro-rata members of staff are listed on the DkIT Staff Directory.

Part-time staff are not published by default but can be listed on an individual basis if approved by HR. Please contact HR at for more information.

How to Login

Staff can access the DkIT Staff Directory by going to 

Please use your main DkIT credentials that you use to access other DkIT services. (webmail etc) (For example, the username of

Login to your profile

Automated Fields

The following fields are automatically sourced from the Institute's HR records system (CoreHR & Active Directory). Therefore, you do not have access to edit these yourself.

If you notice any errors from these fields on your profile please contact

Automated Field Name Source / Content Type
Forename CoreHR
Surname CoreHR
DkIT Email Address Active Directory
Job Title CoreHR
Department CoreHR

Optional Fields

You have full access to add, update or remove the following fields in your staff profile. We recommend that you update these at least once a year.

Please login to your profile using your main DkIT credentials to edit these fields.

Optional Field Name Description
Profile Photo

Upload your professional profile photo. It must be 800x880px in size, formatted as a PNG or JPG with max file size is 2MB.

See more information on the types of profile photo you can add below.

Title Dropdown list with 5 options to choose from.
More Commonly Known As Freetext area to add another name that you may be more commonly known as.
Mobile Phone Number Add your Mobile Phone Number.
Landline Phone Number Add your DkIT Landline Phone Number, so people from outside the organisation can contact you.
DkIT Internal Extension Number Add your Internal Extension Number, some of these have already been synced from phone system but you must ensure it's correct and up to date.
Location Dropdown list with official DkIT building names to choose from.
Room Number If you have an office, add your room number.
Google Scholar Profile

Add the full url for your google scholar profile.

e.g. ''

LinkedIn Profile Add the full url for your LinkedIn profile.

e.g. ''

OrchID Profile

Add the full url for your OrchID profile.

Your latest publications (listed under the 'works' tab) will automatically be pulled from this profile and listed under a tab called Publications & Output.

e.g. ''

DkIT STÓR Profile Add the full url for your DkIT STÓR profile.

e.g. ''

Courses Currently Teaching

Choose the courses you currently lecture on. This list is automatically synced with the DkIT website listing.

If you do not see a course you currently lecture on please contact the webmaster at


Add your biography, keeping it professional and succinct.

See the academic sample and professional service samples to give you an idea of the biography you can add. 

As of January 2025 there is no longer a character limit for this tab.

Qualifications & Awards

Add your previous Qualifications and awards. It's best to keep these short and easy to read in bullet point format 


  • Certificate in Administrative, IT Tallaght (2011)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Management, UCD (2013)
Research & Interests Add details of your research interests.
Published Videos

You can add links to YouTube videos of your presentations, pitches or portfolios.

Simply add the YouTube link and a short description.

IS Public

Choose whether or not you want your profile listed on the DkIT website.

Toggle this off to hide it from public view. Staff will still be able to search for you on internal directory view.


Profile photos

Profile photos on your staff profile must be:

  1. High quality
  2. Full colour, not black and white
  3. Professional
  4. Front facing looking at the camera

Avatars and poor quality photos are not permitted. DkIT reserves the right to remove photos that do not comply with the guidelines above.

Sample Profiles

We have created two sample profiles to give you an idea of the functions and features available to you on the DkIT Staff Directory.
