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Staff Resources

Useful resources and information to help you advise DkIT students, as well as information you might find useful for your own work or professional development.

We work with academic departments in an effort to ensure that our students benefit as fully as possible from their time at DkIT. We are here to support you in seeking to recruit, retain and progress students and to get them ready for the workplace.

If you have any queries please contact our office by email at or by phone +353-0429370243.


Refer a Student

Let us know about a student or class that requires some careers guidance support. Complete our form and a member of our team will get in touch soon.

Refer a Student to Careers Office

Upcoming Workshops

View our upcoming careers workshops and event that may be relevant to your students.

See Workshops

Have a Student or Employer Story?

If you have a story about a student or employer that we could promote please let us know. Whatever the story, we would love to hear from you.

Submit a student story